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System recommendations for Intuit Hosting

by Intuit1 Updated 3 days ago

Table of contents:

For requirements for using Microsoft Office in the hosted environment, see Setting up Microsoft Office in Right Networks for Intuit Hosting. This would be needed to email from within Lacerte or ProSeries and for ProSeries to print Client Presentations.

Internet access recommendations

Types of internet connections:

  • Broadband internet access is defined as a minimum of 25 Mbps download and 3 Mpbs upload speeds. This is the lowest recommendation for use with Intuit Hosting.
  • Satellite internet access has problems with connection quality. So it is not suggested for use with Intuit Hosting.
  • Dial-up internet access is too slow to use Intuit Hosting.

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Other internet considerations:

Packet loss and latency: Please keep in mind that the quality of your connection is more important than the speed. You can have a lightning fast connection, but if data packets are being lost you can experience slowness and other issues. Wired connections are normally more reliable than Wi-Fi (wireless) connections. See this article for more information and some tests you can use to check for connection issues.

Data cap (aka bandwidth cap): If your plan with your internet provider has a data cap, we recommend using a data meter to track usage in order to avoid data overages.

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Testing your internet connection

If you are considering getting Intuit Hosting, these tests are to help you confirm the quality of your internet connection. If you already have Intuit Hosting, see this article instead.

This CMD ping test sends small communication tests over to Rightworks so that you can look at a report showing the quality of your connection over the time it was running.

To run a CMD ping test:

  1. Select the Windows + R keys on your keyboard.
  2. In the Run / Open window, enter cmd then select OK.
  3. Paste the below command into the CMD window, and then press Enter on your keyboard:
    • ping -t
  4. You will start to see "Reply from" lines that show results of each small test. You'll want to allow this to continue for 5 minutes or longer.
    • If you aren't seeing these responses, you can close CMD using the x button, then repeat steps 1–3.
    • There's no need to closely watch the small tests because you will be shown a summary later.
  5. After 5 minutes of letting these tests run, select the CTRL + C keys on your keyboard to tell the tests to stop.
  6. In the summary, you'll want to look at the following fields to determine if there may be a problem with your connection:
    • Under Ping statistics for _, look at Lost = which tells you how many, if any, of these small tests failed because they took too long.
    • Under Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds, look at Maximum = which tells you how long the longest small test took.
  7. If Lost is 0 and Maximum is 150ms or less, there's no need to complete the next test. If Lost isn't 0 and/or the Maximum is over 150ms, these results can be a symptom of packet loss and can cause slowness. We suggest saving a screenshot of these results before closing the window, completing the CMD trace route test too, and reaching out to your IT professional or internet service provider with the results for assistance with improving your connection quality.

A CMD trace route test is useful to run so you can provide it to your IT or internet service provider if there were timeouts or spikes in the CMD ping test to help them figure out an internet connection issue.

To run a CMD trace route test:

  1. Select the Windows + R keys on your keyboard.
  2. In the Run / Open window, enter cmd then select OK.
  3. Paste the below command into the CMD window, and then press Enter on your keyboard:
    • tracert
  4. You should see a prompt that says Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops.
    • This test shouldn't take more than 3 minutes to complete and will show Trace complete under your results when finished.
  5. We suggest saving a screenshot of these results before closing the window and providing these results along with the CMD ping test results to your IT professional or internet service provider. This test can help determine where packet losses are, which can narrow down the cause of your internet connection problem.

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Outbound port 3389

Port 3389 is used for remote access and needs to be open to connect to the hosted environment. If your firewall or router has been set to block this port it will need to be adjusted. See this article for guidance on changing this for Windows Firewall. If you have this port blocked by your router or a firewall and need assistance, please contact your IT professional or the product's support for help with opening the port.

If you want to have this port allowed for just specific ip addresses the following are used for Intuit Hosting:

Computer nameIP addressLacerte / ProSeriesOffice 365 or Office 2013
or and ProSeriesOffice 365
or 2013
or 365
or and ProSeriesOffice 2013
or and ProSeriesOffice 365
or 2013
or 365
or and ProSeriesOffice 2013
or and ProSeriesOffice 365
or and ProSeriesOffice 365
or and ProSeriesOffice 365
or 365
or and ProSeriesOffice 2013
or 2013

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Windows requirements

Operating system:

Windows 10, or Windows 11.

RDP version:

RDP client version 8 or higher.

Display resolution:

  • Maximum: 4096x2048
  • Lowest recommended: 1280x1024

Multiple monitors:

The hosted environment can be displayed on one monitor or all monitors. The all monitors option will only work if you have 4 or less.

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Mac requirements

Operating system:

macOS 12 or later.

RDP version:

RDP client 12 or higher.

Display resolution:

  • Maximum: 4096x2048
  • Lowest recommended: 1280x1024

Multiple monitors:

The hosted environment can be displayed on one monitor or all monitors. The all monitors option will only work if you have 4 or less.

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Other devices

Only limited support is available to help with connecting from the following devices:

Android: Please check the Play Store to see if the needed Remote Desktop app is compatible with your device here.

Apple/iOS: Please check the Apple Store to see if the needed Windows App is compatible with your device here.

Chromebook: Remote Desktop is available through the Play Store which is an option in the Launcher but it you cannot print while using it.

Linux: KRDC allows connectivity and TerminalWorks does provide a Linux choice for printing at the TerminalWorks TSPrint download page. Agents will not be familiar with Linux, however Rightworks does provide this guide for connecting.

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