Changes to print preferences aren't saving in EasyACCT
by Intuit• Updated 9 months ago
Why aren't changes to print preferences saving in EasyACCT?
- When you attempt to assign a report to a printer other than the Windows default printer, the changes won't save.
- This occurs when printers are set to autodetect rather than being captured to a printer port or UNC path.
- Any secondary (non-default) printer must have a local driver installed with either a local path (LPT1:) or a valid UNC Path (\serverprinter) that is browsable in Windows Explorer.
- This is because the EZACCTW.INI (located in the Windows folder) lists printers connected in the "Print Preferences" dropdown menu, and needs to point to a locally-loaded print driver.
To resolve the issue, add the printer using the Add Printer Wizard.
Follow these steps to add the printer using the Add Printer Wizard:
- Determine the location of the printer. If your computer isn’t physically connected to the printer, you’ll need to determine the printer’s location:
- Open Windows Control Panel.
- Click on Network and Internet.
- Click on View network computers and devices.
- Write down the computer name listed.
- Click once on the computer to highlight it. Then, click View printers.
- Write down the printer name listed here.
- Open Control Panel and click Add a device.
- Select The printer that I want isn’t listed.
- Choose Add a local printer or network printer with manual settings, then Next.
- Choose Create new port, select Local Port, and then click Next.
- Enter the Port name, which will be \computernameprinter name, and then click OK.
- This is what you wrote down in steps 1c and 1d.
- Choose the Manufacturer and Printer selection, and then click Next.
- If you're unable to locate the exact printer, you may choose have disk and install the driver from CD or web download.
- Choose Do not share this printer, and then click Next.
- Select Yes to print a test page, then click Next
- Click on Finish, and the test page should print.