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Changes to print preferences aren't saving in EasyACCT

by Intuit Updated 9 months ago

Why aren't changes to print preferences saving in EasyACCT?

  • When you attempt to assign a report to a printer other than the Windows default printer, the changes won't save.
  • This occurs when printers are set to autodetect rather than being captured to a printer port or UNC path.
  • Any secondary (non-default) printer must have a local driver installed with either a local path (LPT1:) or a valid UNC Path (\serverprinter) that is browsable in Windows Explorer.
  • This is because the EZACCTW.INI (located in the Windows folder) lists printers connected in the "Print Preferences" dropdown menu, and needs to point to a locally-loaded print driver.

To resolve the issue, add the printer using the Add Printer Wizard.

Follow these steps to add the printer using the Add Printer Wizard:

  1. Determine the location of the printer. If your computer isn’t physically connected to the printer, you’ll need to determine the printer’s location:
    1. Open Windows Control Panel.
    2. Click on Network and Internet.
    3. Click on View network computers and devices.
    4. Write down the computer name listed.
    5. Click once on the computer to highlight it. Then, click View printers.
    6. Write down the printer name listed here.
  2. Open Control Panel and click Add a device.
  3. Select The printer that I want isn’t listed.
  4. Choose Add a local printer or network printer with manual settings, then Next.
  5. Choose Create new port, select Local Port, and then click Next.
  6. Enter the Port name, which will be \computernameprinter name, and then click OK.
    •  This is what you wrote down in steps 1c and 1d.
  7. Choose the Manufacturer and Printer selection, and then click Next.
    • If you're unable to locate the exact printer, you may choose have disk and install the driver from CD or web download.
  8. Choose Do not share this printer, and then click Next.
  9. Select Yes to print a test page, then click Next
  10. Click on Finish, and the test page should print.
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