Follow these steps:
- From the Settings menu, select Options.
- Go to the Setup tab.
- Make sure the Data Path is correct and edit if necessary.
Tip: You can check the data path for your other tax types or years. Generally, only the tax type letter and year change in the datapath. If you are on a network installation, you can also have other workstations check their data path to see if they can see the clients and you can't.
To search for the client's detail files:
Each client has a detail file that will be the client number followed by a 3-digit extension. For example, 01Sample.ID3 is the 2023 detail for client # 01Sample in the individual module.
- Search for the .ID3 file or replace with an actual client number.
- If the detail file(s) are found in X:\Lacerte\YYtax\IData\Detail:
- Open Lacerte
- Select the Settings menu
- Select Options
- Select the Setup tab
- Change the data path to X:\Lacerte\YYtax\IData\ (leave off the detail folder)
Note: Due to the use of a single-digit year, not all .ID3 files will be for 2023. They could also be for 2013 or 2003. Typically you can use the file location to determine the year. If it is at X:\Lacerte\13Tax\IDATA\Detail\, then it is likely a 2013 client.