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How to uninstall and reinstall apps in Rightworks for Intuit Hosting

by Intuit Updated 1 year ago

Before you start:

  • Use the red Logoff button to sign out of the hosted environment, and if you'll be uninstalling and/or reinstalling for others in your firm, have them sign out too.
    • If you are missing this icon, right-click on the Start/Windows icon, select Shut down or sign out, and choose Sign out.
  • Don't attempt to uninstall/reinstall any Manual Install Apps to troubleshoot problems. These apps get manually installed by the Rightworks Provisioning Team and can take up to 2 business days to install.
  • Users with the User (no catalog) role will need the Account Owner, an Account Admin, or a hosted expert to uninstall/reinstall for them.

Follow these steps to uninstall then reinstall an app

  1. Sign in to the Rightworks AppHub.
  2. Select My Apps.
    • If you are the Account Owner/Account Admin and want to uninstall/reinstall for another user:
      1. Select the Admin Console instead.
      2. Go to the Users tab, then select a user by clicking on their name.
  3. Click the Uninstall button for the app.
    • If the progress bar appears to stop moving once the app is almost removed, refresh the browser.
    • Once the app has been removed it'll no longer appear in the Installed Applications section.
  4. Scroll down to the Available Applications section.
  5. Click the Install button for the app.
    • The installation will begin, and when it's complete, you'll see the app join the Installed Applications section.
    • When reinstalling ProSeries:
      • Before opening your client files, you'll need to update to get the needed tax types and states.
        1. Open ProSeries.
        2. From the Update menu, choose Select and Download New Products.
        3. Formsets and states that were selected previously should already be checked. Check any additional options if needed.
        4. Click Next.
        5. Click Install Now when the Ready to Install screen appears.
      • If the user should be the ProSeries admin see this article.
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