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How to uninstall and reinstall apps in Rightworks for Intuit Hosting
by Intuit• Updated 1 year ago
Before you start:
- Use the red Logoff button to sign out of the hosted environment, and if you'll be uninstalling and/or reinstalling for others in your firm, have them sign out too.
- If you are missing this icon, right-click on the Start/Windows icon, select Shut down or sign out, and choose Sign out.
- Don't attempt to uninstall/reinstall any Manual Install Apps to troubleshoot problems. These apps get manually installed by the Rightworks Provisioning Team and can take up to 2 business days to install.
- Users with the User (no catalog) role will need the Account Owner, an Account Admin, or a hosted expert to uninstall/reinstall for them.
Follow these steps to uninstall then reinstall an app
- Sign in to the Rightworks AppHub.
- Select My Apps.
- If you are the Account Owner/Account Admin and want to uninstall/reinstall for another user:
- Select the Admin Console instead.
- Go to the Users tab, then select a user by clicking on their name.
- If you are the Account Owner/Account Admin and want to uninstall/reinstall for another user:
- Click the Uninstall button for the app.
- If the progress bar appears to stop moving once the app is almost removed, refresh the browser.
- Once the app has been removed it'll no longer appear in the Installed Applications section.
- Scroll down to the Available Applications section.
- Click the Install button for the app.
- The installation will begin, and when it's complete, you'll see the app join the Installed Applications section.
- When reinstalling ProSeries:
- Before opening your client files, you'll need to update to get the needed tax types and states.
- Open ProSeries.
- From the Update menu, choose Select and Download New Products.
- Formsets and states that were selected previously should already be checked. Check any additional options if needed.
- Click Next.
- Click Install Now when the Ready to Install screen appears.
- If the user should be the ProSeries admin see this article.
- Before opening your client files, you'll need to update to get the needed tax types and states.