Performing a clean install of ProSeries
by Intuit•7• Updated 3 months ago
You can resolve some issues with ProSeries by uninstalling the program, renaming the ProSeries installation folder, and reinstalling ProSeries. This process is typically referred to as a Clean Install.
Before you start:
- Removing the program using these steps doesn't remove the client data from the computer.
- If you are on a pay per return license make sure to print your Audit Report:
- From the Tools menu, select Pay Per Return then Print Audit Report.
- This article references default installation paths and uses YY to reference the tax year in 20YY format. C: will always indicate the local drive and X: will always indicate the network drive.
Choose the option below that describes your installation setup:
Step 1: Uninstall ProSeries Basic
- Close all Intuit products.
- In the Windows Search bar type Control Panel.
- Choose Uninstall a program.
- Right-click on ProSeries Basic Edition 20YY and choose Uninstall.
- Choose the Select All button and click on Uninstall.
- Once the uninstall completes, click OK to close the uninstaller.
Step 2: Rename the installation folder
- Open Windows File Explorer.
- Under This PC click on the (C:)
- Right-click on the BasWinYY folder for the year you uninstalled and choose Rename.
- Change the name to BasWinYYOLD.
Step 3: Reinstall ProSeries Basic
- Sign in to My Account.
- From the Dashboard select Download 20YY.
- Run the BasicInstallerTY.exe file.
- Follow the instructions on the screen to install the program.
- After the program finishes installing, open the ProSeries Basic program to make sure the program is operational.
- The client list will be blank.
- Restore your client files from the C:\BasWinYYOLD\YYData folder. See Restoring client data files using ProSeries for step by step instructions.
Step 1: Uninstall ProSeries
- Close all Intuit products.
- In the Windows Search bar type Control Panel.
- Choose Uninstall a program.
- Right-click on ProSeries 20YY and choose Uninstall.
- Choose the Select All button and click Uninstall.
- Once the uninstall completes, click OK to close the uninstaller.
Step 2: Rename the installation folder
- Open Windows File Explorer.
- Under This PC click on the (C:)
- Right-click on the ProWinYY folder for the year you uninstalled and choose Rename.
- Change the name to ProWinYYOLD.
Step 3: Reinstall ProSeries
- Sign in to My Account.
- From the Dashboard select Download 20YY.
- Run the CoreInstallerTY.exe file.
- Follow the instructions on the screen to install the program.
- After the program finishes installing, open the ProSeries program to make sure the program is operational.
- The client list will be blank.
- Restore your client files from the C:\ProWinYYOLD\YYData folder. See Restoring client data files using ProSeries for step-by-step instructions.
Use these instructions if only one workstation is impacted on the network.
Step 1: Uninstall ProSeries
- Close all Intuit products.
- In the Windows Search bar type Control Panel.
- Choose Uninstall a program.
- Right-click on ProSeries 20YY and choose Uninstall.
- Choose the Select All button and click Uninstall.
- Once the uninstall completes, click OK to close the uninstaller.
Step 2: Rename the installation folders
- Open Windows File Explorer.
- Under This PC click on the (C:)
- Right-click on the ProWinYY folder for the year you uninstalled and choose Rename.
- Change the name to ProWinYYOLD.
Step 3: Reinstall ProSeries
- Browse to your network drive.
- Open X:\ProNetYY\Wkstn
- Run the Setup.exe file.
- Follow the instructions on the screen to install the program.
- After the program finishes installing, open the ProSeries program to make sure the program is operational.
Use these instructions if all workstations on the network are impacted:
Step 1: Uninstall ProSeries from the main computer in the office
- Close all Intuit products.
- In the Windows Search bar type Control Panel.
- Choose Uninstall a program.
- Right-click on ProSeries 20YY and choose Uninstall.
- Choose the Select All button and click Uninstall.
- Once the uninstall completes, click OK to close the uninstaller.
Step 2: Rename the installation folders on the main computer in the office
- Open Windows File Explorer.
- Under This PC click on the (C:)
- Right-click on the ProWinYY folder for the year you uninstalled and choose Rename.
- Change the name to ProWinYYOLD.
- Browse to your network drive.
- Right-click on the X:\ProNetYY folder for the year you uninstalled and choose Rename.
- Change the name to ProNetYYOLD.
Step 3: Uninstalling and renaming the installation folders on all impacted workstation computers:
- Close all Intuit products.
- In the Windows Search bar type Control Panel.
- Choose Uninstall a program.
- Right-click on ProSeries 20YY and choose Uninstall.
- Choose the Select All button and click Uninstall.
- Once the uninstall completes, click OK to close the uninstaller.
- Open Windows File Explorer.
- Under This PC click on the (C:)
- Right-click on the ProWinYY folder for the year you uninstalled and choose Rename.
- Change the name to ProWinYYOLD.
- Repeat for each additional workstation computer.
Step 4: Reinstall ProSeries on the main computer in the office
- Sign in to My Account.
- From the Dashboard click Download 20YY.
- Run the CoreInstallerTYY.exe file.
- Follow the instructions on the screen to install the program.
- After the program finishes installing, open the ProSeries program to make sure the program is operational.
- The client list will be blank.
- Restore your client files from the X:\ProNetYYOLD\YYData folder. See Restoring client data files using ProSeries for step by step instructions.
Step 5: Reinstall ProSeries on all impacted workstation computers:
- Browse to your network drive.
- Open X:\ProNetYY\Wkstn
- Run the Setup.exe file.
- Follow the instructions on the screen to install the program.
- After the program finishes installing, open the ProSeries program to make sure the program is operational.
These steps will help you to:
- Determine what files and folders to keep during a Clean Reinstall.
- Have a better understanding of what each file and folder does.
- After completing a clean installation of ProSeries thes files and folders may be transplanted into the new folder. If you choose to transplant the files and folders be sure to rename the file or folder in the new installation directory before attempting to copy it over.
Significant files, where they are located, and what they do:
- Within ProWinYY, BasWinYY, or ProSeriesProNetYY_AutoDL20YY_Core for a network install:
- Prodsel.lyt – Copying this file to the correct location before installing will populate the module list during setup without having to know which modules were previously installed.
- Within ProWinYYCommon, BasWinYYCommon, or ProNetYYCommon for a network install, only the following files:
- OLAC.ini – This file stores the Customer Account Number and ZIP code used to license ProSeries.
- BankProd.ini – This file stores information concerning previously transmitted bank product registration and enrollment. This file will only be present if a bank product enrollment has previously been transmitted.
- EFILE.ini – Stores EFIN and EF Contact information for each Electronic Filing Identification Number (EFIN) entered in ProSeries Firm/Preparer Info.
- Passwd.ini – This file stores Access Rights information. It's important to keep this file, if present, whenever a user has enabled the Access Rights feature in ProSeries.
- SHRFRMYY – This file stores paid preparer information.
- ein.dat, eindb.cdx, eindb.dbf – These files together store the EIN database within ProSeries.
- *.rtf, *.ltr – These files store the Client Letters, custom, or otherwise.
- *.inv– These files store the Client Invoices, custom or otherwise.
Significant folders, where they are located, and what they do:
- These folders will be located within ProWinYY, BasWinYY, and ProSeriesProNetYY for network installations.
- FIDO – This folder is significant if using the Tax Import add-on product. It stores Tax Import Financial Institution Download data for returns using Tax Import.
- YYOBIR – This folder is significant if using the Tax Import add-on product since it stores document data for returns importing via Tax Import.
- YYOBIRDoc – This folder is significant if using the Tax Import add-on product since it stores Tax Import review files (PDF and xls) for returns using Tax Import.
- YYOBIRWork – This folder is significant if using the Tax Import add-on product since it stores Tax Import files for returns using Tax Import.
- YYQBData – This folder stores QuickBooks (Quicken) data linked with tax return(s).
- YYDATA – This folder represents the ProSeries default client file directory where all client tax return files are typically stored unless changed.
- CWFPDATA located in the Common folder — This folder stores all customized "Control Which Forms Print" settings.
- HomeBase – This folder stores database files used to generate the HomeBase view. These database files form the link between each HomeBase record and the associated data file.