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How to enter other income on Schedule 1 (Form 1040) in ProConnect Tax
by Intuit• Updated 1 week ago
Other income on Schedule 1 (Form 1040), Additional Income and Adjustments is used to report any income which is taxable, and hasn't been reported elsewhere on the return or on other schedules. A 1099-MISC, which isn't directly associated with a Schedule C, Schedule E, or Schedule F activity, may sometimes need to be reported here.
Follow these steps
- Go to the Input Return tab and select Income from the left menu.
- Select SS Benefits, Alimony, Misc. Income.
- Scroll down to the Alimony and Other Income section.
- Locate the field Other Income.
- Enter the amount and description.
- This amount will flow to Form 1040, Schedule 1 as Other Income.
Reporting Taxable Scholarships and Fellowships on Form 1040
To report Taxable scholarships and fellowships on Form 1040, Line 7:
- Go to the screen, SS Benefits, Alimony, Miscellaneous Inc.
- Scroll down to the Alimony and Other Income section.
- Enter the taxable portion in Taxable scholarships and fellowships. (The program includes this amount on the Wages line of Form 1040 and also includes a footnote for the item with the description "SCH.")
If the taxable scholarships and fellowships are also subject to self employment:
- Go to the Taxes section and then go to the screen, Self-Employment Tax (Schedule SE).
- In the Nonfarm subsection, enter the amount in the field, Net income [Adjustment].