Entering Special Allocations in the Partnership Module in Lacerte
by Intuit• Updated 5 months ago
- Go to Screen 29, Special Allocations.
- In the left hand column the option to check a box can be utilized to display ONLY amounts to be allocated, Show only amounts to be allocated.
- Note: If this box is not checked, only items with a green dollar sign are available to be specially allocated. Any amounts without this dollar sign, do not have corresponding amounts entered to be allocated.
- Drill down to the item where the dollar amount has been entered and allocate the total between partners, as applicable.
- Note: the total amount allocated and available will appear at the bottom of each page.
Additional Information:
- IMPORTANT! If you make entries here (Screen 29) first, the program will not carry those amounts back to Form 1065. Verify correct totals appear on the partnership's Form 1065, and Schedules K and M-1 before you begin allocating amounts in this screen.
- In the Section list, the program displays categories of allocable items as folders.
- Using the Show only amounts to be allocated check box, you can switch between viewing only items with amounts available for allocation, and viewing all Schedules K-1 and M-1/M-2 items that could be specially allocated in these categories. Some items "other" will require a description entered in the original input before it will appear in the Special Allocations screen. (example; Screen 28 "other increases" and "other decreases").
- At the bottom of the Special Allocations screen, the program lists the partnership total (from Form 1065) to be specially allocated among the partners (Amt. Available for Spec. Alloc.), the total specially allocated amounts already entered for all the partners (Total Specially Allocated), and the residual amount remaining of the partnership total to be allocated (Remaining Amt. to be Allocated). Use these totals to reconcile the specially allocated amounts.
- Section headings are not allocable items. If you select a section heading, you cannot enter amounts in the Partner Special Allocations Entry area.
Examples of Special Allocations commonly reported:
- Partners change in ownership
- Any item that needs to be allocated differently than the Partner Percentages
- Guaranteed Payments
- Contributions
- Click to learn more information on Entering State Special Allocations on a Partnership Return
Related topics:
- Entering and Specially Allocating Capital Accounts for a Partnership or LLC Return
- Entering and Allocating Guaranteed Payments
- Entering and Allocating Partners Health Insurance
- Section 754, 743(b), or Other Specially Allocated Depreciation
- Allocating an Unrecaptured 1250 Gain for a Schedule K-1 (1065)
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