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Form Help - Federal Individual

by Intuit Updated 3 weeks ago

This article is for federal Individual form-level help.


Form 8949

Page 1

(Box A)

Form not generating? Wanting to display all dispositions? Want to See Attached Statement? Form 8949 isn't required for certain dispositions. A per-tax-type option is available within the program options in the Settings dropdown menu. To view these, select the Tax Return tab. Within the Federal Tax Options, locate the option to Report All Assets on Form 8949.

The individual override for this option is located on Screen 17.1 Dispositions, within the Carryovers/Misc sunscreen. You can also access this screen by clicking the Carryovers/Misc Info link available in left navigation panel: Print all assets on Form 8949: 1=yes, 2=no [O]

Line 1(f)

Code X: You can exclude all or part of your gain under the rules explained in the Schedule D Instructions for DC Zone assets or qualified community assets. Report the sale or exchange on Form 8949 as you would if you weren't taking the exclusion. Enter the amount of the exclusion as a negative number (in parentheses) in column (g).

Page 2

(Box D)

Form not generating? Wanting to display all dispositions? Want to See Attached Statement to show? Form 8949 isn't required for certain dispositions. A per-tax-type option is available within the program options available in the Settings dropdown menu. To view these, select the Tax Return tab. Within the Federal Tax Options, locate the option to Report All Assets on Form 8949.

The Individual override for this option is located on Screen 17.1 Dispositions, within the Carryovers/Misc sunscreen. You can also access this screen by clicking the Carryovers/Misc Info link available in left navigation panel: Print all assets on Form 8949: 1=yes, 2=no [O]

Line 1(g)

Code X: You can exclude all or part of your gain under the rules explained in the Schedule D Instructions for DC Zone assets or qualified community assets. Report the sale or exchange on Form 8949 as you would if you weren't taking the exclusion. Enter the amount of the exclusion as a negative number (in parentheses) in column (g).

-Form 8949-

Form 8936

To generate form:

If the form is not generating, make sure the taxpayer has income. Without income, the form will populate but not generate. This credit is a non-refundable so you will only receive a credit to the point that your tax liability is reduced to zero. Additionally, income limits for the credit apply for personal or business use as indicated on the form.

-Form 8936-

Form 8594

Page 2, Part III

How do I complete this section? This Supplemental Statement section of Form 8594 will only populate when amending the return. To generate these fields, make sure the Federal has been marked to amend in Screen 59, Amended Return (1040X)/Superseded Return).

-Form 8594-

Schedule B

Page 1, Part II, Line 5

If an amount is not appearing on Screen 12 for US bonds, ensure that the amount from Screen 12 US bonds (nontaxable to the state) is also entered in 1a: Total Ordinary Dividends.

-Schedule B, US Bonds-

Form 4797 p.1

Part IV, Line 35

For assets that are disposed of to stop depreciation calculation, enter the disposition on Screen 17, not in the general disposition section of Screen 22. Both bonus and Section 179 depreciation can be entered as 179 for recapture, as the calculation has the same results and locations. For more information, please refer to the "Carry Overs/Misc" link on Screen 17, under the "Business Use of 50% or Less" subheading.

-Form 4797 p.2 , depreciable assets disposed-

Form 4797 p2

Part III line 26(g)

For Line 26 under Section 1250 property, if you want Line 26g to be 0, there is an override available on Screen 17, Dispositions in the Overrides section. Enter a -1 in "Ordinary income portion under recapture rules [O]". Under the Diagnostics tab, the Override will appear under the View section to the left in order to review prior to final filing of the return. Review the Critical Diagnostics section for any diagnostics that might prevent the return being electronically filed.

-Form 4797 p2, Section 1250-

Form 8959

Line 1

If there are inputs that show on Line 5 of the W-2 but do not show here, check for sourcing that prevents the Federal calculation. Use Jump to Input to review that the inputs entered are being assigned as US.

-Form 8959-

Form 8283

Page 1, Taxpayer Name Field, How to Generate:

Note that you cannot generate a deduction unless you itemize. You must file Form 8283 if the amount of your deduction for each noncash contribution is more than $500, or if you have a group of similar items for which a total deduction of over $500 is claimed.

-Form 8283, how to generate deduction-

Schedule 1

Page 2, Part II, Line 15

If Line 15 is blank but a value was expected to flow from a Schedule C, check to see if a W-2 has Statutory employee checked and linked to the same Schedule C. Per Schedule C instructions, if a taxpayer has both self-employment income and statutory employee income, two Schedules C must be filed. The two amounts can not be combined on a single Schedule C.

-Schedule 1, deductible self-employment tax-

Schedule A

Page 1, Line 5a

Local sales tax rates can vary and are part of the calculations from the tax tables... confirm correct rate in settings. To view the Local Sales Tax rate, go to Settings, then select the Tax Return tab. Select Federal Tax Options, and towards the bottom of the section will appear the input field "Local Sales Tax Rate [.xxxxx]". Enter the local sales tax rate in decimal form. As an example, a 6% Local Sales tax rate would be entered as .60000. NOTE: If General sales taxes are blank and you are not using and actual amount, verify the resident state is chosen on Screen 1 and not set to US

-Schedule A, local sales tax-

Form 1040

Page 2, Line 16

Line 16 Tax is utilizing the Qualified Dividends and Capital Gain Tax Worksheet for the calculation of tax which includes the reduction for "Tax attributable to foreign exclusion", and refers to taxpayers filing a Form 2555, foreign income exclusion. Foreign income will instead flow to the Foreign Earned Income Worksheet.

-Form 1040, Tax-

Schedule SE

Page1, Part I, Line 1b

An adjustment field is available on Screen 45.1 Self-Employment Tax (Schedule SE) in the Nonfarm, Net income [A] field. The program calculates net nonfarm income from your entries on Screen 14.1, Miscellaneous Income; Screen 16, Schedule C; and Screen 20, Partnership Information. To increase the net income, enter a positive number. To decrease the net income, enter a negative number.

-Schedule SE, Self-Employment Tax-

Form 1040NR

Page 2, Line 25(g)

Line 25g In addition to Jump to Input, you can go to Screen 58.2 and under Foreign Person's U.S. Source Income Subject to Withholding section, enter an amount in the (10) Total withholding credit.

-Form 1040NR-

Form 1040-SR

Page 1, Home Address

For Form 1310, enter the name of the personal representative in the ADDRESS line of the 1040. If a joint return isn't being filed, enter the decedent's name in the NAME field and the personal representative's name and address in the ADDRESS field, as per the instructions on Page 4 of Publication 559.

-Form 1040-SR, 1310 personal representative-

Form 1040-SR

Page 1, Line 4a

Sometimes, Line 4a might be blank. Check page 23 of the 1040 Instructions where it states, "Except as provided next, leave Line 4a blank and enter the total distribution (from Form 1099-R, box 1) on Line 4b," and mention the exceptions. In summary, if the Gross distribution and Line 4b have the same amount, Line 4a might not contain any value.

-Form 1040-SR, line 4a-

Form 2555

Page 3, Part VI, Line 28

The Line 27 checkbox in Part V must be marked Yes in order for Part VI, Line 28 through 36 to populate. The Yes designation is made depending upon input in Screen 31.1 Foreign Income Exclusion (2555), Housing Exclusion or Deduction section. The Part V housing exclusion or deduction has no direct input and so is dependent upon income, expenses and threshold program calculations to generate a YES or NO check. To do a quick calculation check for a basic scenario, take the taxpayer's number of days in the qualifying period, for example if the taxpayer was abroad for 365 days, multiplied by the Part VI line 32 amount. If this amount is greater than the "Qualified housing expenses" value entered in Screen 31.1, then Part VI will not populate. Tax Year 2022 Example: 365 x $49.10 = $17,921. If the amount entered in Screen 31.1 was less than this, the Part V will be checked NO and Part VI will not populate.

-Form 2555, Part VI housing exclusion or deduction-

Form 965-A

Line 1 (b)

How to generate the form: Use Jump to Input from Part 1 Line 1b of the form or go to Screen 45 Other Taxes at the Detail tab and under the Original Prior Year 965 Tax Liabilities section, enter the Tax Year of the net Liability, then enter the applicable amounts. If the form doesn’t generate, make sure the Net Liability with all 965 amounts is greater than the Net Tax Liability without 965 amounts. If the form still does not generate check the amounts entered in the Record of Amount of Net 965 Tax Liability Paid by the Taxpayer in Part II for the applicable year and the amount entered in Part I, line 1(j). If the amount transferred out plus amount paid exceeds the Part I line 1(f) amount, the form will not generate.

-Form 965-A-

Schedule SE

Line 2

Schedule C net profit or loss on the Schedule SE will not appear if Screen 10 Wages, Box 13 for a Statutory employee is checked and a Schedule C name or number is selected in the same section of Screen 10. In this instance, the taxpayer is regarded as an employee and as a result not subject to self-employment taxes.

-Schedule SE-

Form 8582

Page 1, Part I, Line 1(a)

If you have rental income with a gain and no prior year disallowed passive losses, check to see if the type of property is land, royalties, or self-rental. Selecting self-rental or land will trigger the recharacterization of passive income rules. Under these rules, a net loss for the activity will be treated as a passive loss, while net income for the activity will be treated as non-passive income.

For more information, refer to IRS Publication 925, Passive Activity and At-Risk Rules, available at (section on Recharacterization of Passive Income).

-Form 8582, Page 1recharacterization of passive losses-

Form 8582

Page 2, Part V, Line 2(a)

If you have rental income with a gain and no prior year disallowed passive losses, check to see if the type of property is land, royalties, or self-rental. Selecting self-rental or land will trigger the recharacterization of passive income rules. Under these rules, a net loss for the activity will be treated as a passive loss, while net income for the activity will be treated as non-passive income.

For more information, refer to IRS Publication 925, Passive Activity and At-Risk Rules, available at (section on Recharacterization of Passive Income).

-Form 8582, Page 2 recharacterization of passive losses-

Form 1045

Page 4, Schedule B, Line 9

For Line 9 Modified Taxable Income, if the amount calculated for Line 10 on page 1 is less than the amount calculated for Line 9, enter the amount from Line 10 on Line 9.

-Form 1045, Modified Taxable Income-

Schedule 1

Page 1, Part I, Line 1

Proforma'd clients will complete Line 1 and the associated worksheets/statements. For new clients, the refund from the 1099 must be manually entered on Screen 14.2 Grid or Activity to complete the calculation. If 1 is selected, a statement will be provided on Line 1. If 2 is selected, a worksheet will be provided.

-Schedule 1, 1099 refund input-

Schedule 2

Page 1, Part II, Line 6

UT=Uncollected Social Security and Medicare or Railroad Retirement Tax Act (RRTA) tax on tips or group-term life insurance should be reported in Box 12 of Form W-2, using codes A and B or M and N. "UT" is the acronym used to refer to this.

-Schedule 2, reporting UT from W-2-

Form 8615

Page 1, Line 8

To calculate Line 8 on Form 8615, add Line 6 from Form 8615 to $2,600. Enter the smaller of the result and the amount listed below for your filing status. Input for this form can be found on Screen 43, Tax for Children under 18. Additionally, there is a Family Link utility which can be found under the Tools dropdown menu.

-Form 8615, Tentative Kiddie tax-

Schedule 1

Page 2, Part II, Line 11

Jump to Input is available to directly access the input fields for Educator Expenses. Please refer to Government instructions for the allowed deduction limit for the current tax year which can also apply to MFJ filing status if both are eligible. Qualified expenses are deductible only to the extent the amount of such expenses exceed the following amounts for the tax year:

-The interest on series EE and I U.S. savings bonds that you exclude from income because you paid qualified higher education expenses,
-Any distribution from a qualified state tuition program that you exclude from income,
-Any tax-free withdrawals from your Coverdell education savings accounts,
-Any reimbursements you receive for expenses that aren't reported to you in box 1 of your Form W-2. Note: Certain education distributions can limit the deduction. Review Screen 14.3 Education distributions and use the "1=delete this year" to see if this is causing the deduction limitation.

-Schedule 1, Educator expenses-

Form 1116

Page 1, Part I, Line 2e

The worksheet for this line is looking at income only; losses are not considered. The Schedule D version of this number is looking at both losses and income for a net figure.

-Form 1116, Gross income all sources-

Form 1116

Page 1, Part I, Line 1a

No adjustments may be necessary; however, if they are, the program will first work through Worksheet A. If Worksheet A does not apply, Worksheet B will be used. If no adjustment is required, refer to the Instructions on page 8 for the Informational Diagnostic #7275 that may appear under the Diagnostics tab in the program.

-Form 1116, Adjustments-

Form 2441

Page 1, Part II, Line 3

Part 3, p. 2 of the Form will adjust the amount that flows to Line 3. If the credit is fully accounted for, Line 3 will be empty. If an excess of credit is shown on Line 26 of Part 3, it will flow to the main Form as additional wages and be labeled with "DCB" on Line 7 of the 1040.

-Form 2441, excess credit DCB-

Form 8992

How to generate:

In the Detail tab under the Miscellaneous Forms section, go so Screen 89 GILTI (8992) and enter the name of the CFC and applicable information. Verify the Name and ID Number information under the CFC section. This will populate and generate the form. The CFC name is mandatory in order to e-file.

-Form 8992, how to generate form-

Form 2555

Page 2, Part III, Line 16

When Part VI is not being used it will enter the number of days from date range on Line 16 that fall into the current tax year, for example 01/01 - 12/31 = 365 days. Another example would be 10/01 of the previous tax - 9/30 of the current tax year would equal 273 days.

-Form 2555, Physical presence test-

Form 3800

Page 3, HDI

To generate amounts from Passthrough's, the check box "Treat as eligible small business" on the Partnership Information screen, under the line 15 section, or on the S Corporation Information screen, under the line 13 section will need to be checked for each activity that should be contributing a credit.

-Form 3800-

Form 8824

Page 2, Line 24

Part IV not supported by Lacerte. Part IV is applicable to certain members of the executive branch of the Federal Government and judicial officers of the Federal Government. In these instances those individuals use Part IV to elect to defer gain on conflict-of-interest sales.

-Form 8824-

Form 8995, Sch. A, 8995-A

Line 2

If you're wondering why the allocated deduction for self-employed pensions on line 2 of federal form 8995 is different from the amount on Schedule 1 Line 15, refer to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, Provision 11011 Section 199A - Qualified Business Income Deduction FAQs on the IRS website. ( According to this provision, the deduction for contributions to qualified retirement plans under section 404 is considered attributable to a trade or business to the extent that the individual's gross income from the trade or business is taken into account in calculating the allowable deduction. To figure out the percentage, divide the QBI amount of Ordinary Business Income (Loss) by the net profit from self-employment amount being used on the worksheet for Schedule 1 Line 15, and then apply that percentage to the Schedule 1 Line 15 amount.

-Form 8995, Sch. A, 8995-A-

Form W-4

To generate form:

In Screen 7.2, Withholding Allowance Certificate (W-4), within the Employee's Withholding Certificate (Form W-4) section, enter the applicable number in the field for 1=taxpayer, 2= spouse, 3=both (MANDATORY) (code 24) and check the box to Print Form W-4 with complete return (code 1). Both items must be present to generate the form.

-Form W-4-

Form 1116

Page 2, Line 18

Tip: The taxpayer may benefit from an exclusion described in diagnostic ref. 7275 which is an Informational diagnostic that may appear under the Diagnostics tab in the program.
Taxpayer received either foreign source qualified dividends and/or foreign source capital gain distributions. No adjustment was made to these amounts as the taxpayer qualified for the adjustment exception. (ref. #7275)
If this diagnostic is generating, review Form 1116 form instructions for line 18 "Adjustment exception" for more details.

-Form 1116-

Schedule A

Line 8a

The interest amount reported here can be overstated in a situation where there are two businesses reporting business use of home, and the activities have not been linked to indicate they reside in the same home. This can be done in Screen 29, Business Use of Home. While in this screen, within the Allocation section, link any additional business use of home activities to the first business use of home activity listed, to indicate the two activities are within the same home. To do this, use the field Allocation of Indirect Expenses (one home/multiple businesses) - Home office name or number entered first (screen:29), if home used in more than one business (code 47).

-Schedule A-

Form 8824

Page 2, Line 18

The easiest and most efficient way to enter a section 1031 like-kind exchange is by using the Like-Kind Exchange Wizard on the Depreciation screen. You can only do this in interactive mode. This feature isn't available in batch mode. Please view the following link which also includes a video. Note: Two Like kind exchanges will produce 2 Worksheets. After you click the worksheet click through the tabs to see both.

-Form 8824-

Form 2555

Line 1

The Foreign address field will ignore the input on Foreign address if not the same as 1040. Screen 31 inputs and the 2555 will not activate if the input is not properly linked on screen 31. The best process is to select the correct input from the dropdown Form 2555 Name or Number.

-Form 2555, foreign address-

Form 2555

Page 3, Part VII, Line 39

Tax accounting professionals should add 35 days to the total when calculating taxes using a sliding scale based on 330 days, as per the form instructions.

-Form 2555, total days-

Form 4562

Page 1, Part III, Line 17

Depreciation for tangible property will be reported on Line 19, Column G of the tax form, according to the instructions provided. Dispositions during the current year must be multiplied by the decimal amount in Step 3 of the instructions. Alternatively, manual calculation may be used. In either case, the date of disposition must be entered. For more details, please refer to pages 8 and 9 of the instructions and Publication 946.

Line 17 will also be adjusted by the business use input on the depreciation screen, but not by the same input on the form type screen. For example, if Schedule E has a 15% business use, full depreciation will be reported until 15% is also entered on the depreciation screen code 503 for that same asset.

-Form 4562, Part III MACRS-

Form 3115

Page 1, Part I

The 3115 Government Instructions provide a list of designated accounting change numbers (DCN) which can be referred to for the requested change.

-Form 3115-

Form 1040

Page 1, Line 12

If "IE" appears on the Standard deduction or Itemized deduction line of the 1040, this means that taxpayer elected to itemize, which may or may not result in a decution higher than the standard deduction. This entry is made in Screen 25 in the General Information section.

-Form 1040-

Schedule H

Page 2, Part II, Section B, Line 17(a)

Information for Section B will not populate unless at least one of the checkboxes above section A is marked NO. Section B is provided when unemployment contributions were paid any one of the following: 1) more than one state, 2) were not paid by the April filing deadline, or 3)were not taxable for FUTA as well as the state's unemployment tax.

-Schedule H-

Form 5405

Page 1, Line 8

From the form instructions, Line 8 under the repayment of credit is the lesser of Lines 6 and 7. Line 8 value will appear on Line 10 of the Schedule 2. Note: The homebuyer credit repayment is 15 years in duration, and is on year 14 with the tax year 2023 return.

-Form 5405, Repayment of Credit-

Form 6252

Page 1, Line 22

Screen 17.1 Dispositions under the Form 4797 Section if "Depreciation allowed [-1=none triggers 4797"] is used, a value will flow to part 2 of the 6252 but the total on Line 22 will not be right. You must use Screen 17.1 "Current year principal payments (triggers 6252)" for a prior year installment sale.

-Form 6252, Installment Sale income-

Form 8824

Page 2, Line 19

Realized Gain is determined by subtracting the Adjusted Basis of the property given up from the Fair Market Value of the property received. A gain is realized when the sales price is greater than the cost basis.

-Form 8824 Realized gain-

Form 6252

Page 1, Part III, Line 27

Part III of Form 6252 will not complete if "Final payment received this year" is checked. Don't complete if you received the final payment this tax year. If Line 3 is Yes then Part III will complete. Input to mark "Final payment received this year" is located on Screen 17.1 Dispositions under the Related Party Information [6252 & 8824 only] section which is near the bottom of the screen.

-Form 6252, Part III-

Form 8962

Page 1, Line 12-23

To calculate the allocation in Part IV and ensure accuracy, it is necessary to input monthly payments. It is important to note that the Total input should not be used. In order to accurately complete Form 8962, Lines 12-23 must be filled out. To do so, either Line 10 must be marked "No" or Line 9 must be marked "Yes". If either of these conditions are met, the calculation will jump to page 2, where either Part 4 or 5 must be completed. If a shared policy allocation is desired, the spouse's Social Security Number should be added on Screen 39, 8962 Part 4 Input.

-Form 8962, Monthly payments and Part IV allocation-

Schedule H

Page 1, Line 7

In Screen 42, Household Employment Taxes (Schedule H), use the "Federal income tax wittheld" for wages paid. In order to generate the form, a check needs to be entered in the "Paid any one employee cash wages of $2,400 or more.

-Schedule H-

Form 6765

Page 1, Line 30

When electing the alternative simplified credit in Screen 34, General Bus. & Passive Act. Credits, entries are required in for the 3 prior years within the Total Qualified Research Expenses subsection of Alternative Simplified Credit. These are necessary to report an amount on line 29 which will allow the program to calculate an amount on line 30.

-Form 6765-

Schedule E, p.2

Schedule E, p2. Line 27 checkbox

For steps on How to enter unreimbursed partnership expenses for Schedule E in Lacerte, please refer to the following article:

-Schedule E, p.2 Unreimbursed Partnership Expenses-

Form 5471

How to generate Page 2, Schedule B

If Schedule B of the 5471 is blank, go to Screen 68.1, go to the Filer section to enter the Person or firm filing the form and check the box(es) 1 through 5 filer type. Category 3 and 4 filer entries will also complete Schedule B, Part I.

-Form 5471, Schedule B

Form 5471

Page 3, Schedule C, Line 1a

For Schedule C - Income Statement, enter the translation rate on Screen 68.1. If no entry is made, U.S. dollars will be assumed. The rate should be entered as a percentage in both columns.

-Form 5471, Income statement translation-

Form 5471

Page 2, Part I, a

Use Screen 68.2 Schedule B input field 1=Part I (default) 2=Part II, 3=Part I and II.

-Form 5471-

Form 1040-ES

How to suppress the form:

This Form gets suppressed if you mark the Checkbox in Screen 3 for Electronic Payment of Estimated Tax in the Direct Deposit section.

-Form 1040-ES-

Form 8960

Page 1, Name Field How to generate form:

Screen 45.3 of Form 8960 includes sections for Net Investment Income Tax, State Tax Refund Deductions Recovery, and Net Investment Income NOL. Screen 45.4 of Form 8960 includes a Deduction Recoveries Worksheet.

-Form 8960, how to generate-

Form 8960

Page 1, Line 7

See Screen 45.4 Deductions Recoveries Worksheet (Form 8960) for input fields that can cause a reduction in the worksheet prior year reduction.

-Form 8960, deductions recoveries worksheet-

Form 1116

Page 1, Line 1a

A listed country from the dropdown list needs to be picked for Line 1a to print a number. Selecting "Other Country" will leave Line 1a blank.

-Form 1116-

Form 4868

Page I Identification

To enter a program setting to include print the Form 4868 with the return, Go to Settings, then Options, Tax Return. Under the Federal Tax Options section, set "Form 4868 with Return" to YES. With this setting in place, when a return in Screen 9, Automatic Extension 4868 has an entered value of 1 or 2, the 4868 will print with the return. NOTE regarding address: An override is available on Extension screen 9 to use client address vs the default to the firm information. This is located under the Automatic Extension (4868) section. Using the client address will have the IRS reply sent directly to the taxpayer.

-Form 4868-

Schedule 1

Page 2, Line 15

If Line 15 blank and expected from Schedule C: Check to see if a W-2 Screen 10 (Wages),Box 13, Statutory employee is checked AND linked to the same Schedule C in "Schedule C name or number, if statutory employee" dropdown. Per Schedule C Instructions: If you had both self- employment income and statutory employee income, you must file two Schedules C.

-Schedule 1-

Sch. E, Page 2

Line 28A

If you want a passthrough 13W Other Deductions amount to show up here Screen 20.1, under the sections go to Line 13 Separately Stated Income and Deductions.

-Sch. E, Page 2-

Form 8889

Line 7

At age 55 the program will do the worksheet as indicated on the Form 8889 Instructions. The results will go to Line 9 or Line 7 depending on conditions.

-Form 8889-

Form 8889

Line 9

At age 55 the program will do the worksheet as indicated on the Form 8889 Instructions. The results will go to Line 9 or Line 7 depending on conditions.

-Form 8889-

Form 5329

Page 2, Line 54

RC (Reasonable Cause)? Instructions include: Enter "RC" and the amount of the shortfall you want waived in parentheses on the dotted Line next to Line 54. Screen 41.1 Excess Accumulation in Plan, then use the "Amount of RMD shortfall to waive".

-Form 5329, Reasonable Cause-

Form 8938

Page 1, Line 5 and 7

On Screen 82, enter Type of account 1= deposit , 2= custodial. The program will total the results on Lines 5 and 7. The input for this is on Screen 82.2, Foreign Deposit and Custodial Accounts (Part I).

-Form 8938-

Form 1045

Page 1, Line 5 and 7

On Screen 82, enter Type of account 1= deposit , 2= custodial. The program will total the results on Lines 5 and 7. The input for this is on Screen 82.2, Foreign Deposit and Custodial Accounts (Part I).

-Form 1045-

Schedule 1

Page 2, Line 20 and IRA deduction worksheet

-"D" on the dotted Line next to Line 20 IRA Deduction means MFS and spouses lived apart for all of the tax year.
-The IRA deductions worksheet Line 20 starts with SE earned income. A common mistake is to start that calculation with Business income or (loss) Schedule 1 Line 3 which can include earned SE income but is not limited to it.

-Schedule 1, IRA deduction-

Schedule 1

Page 1, Line 8p

ELA (Excess Loss Adjustment) on Line 8? When a negative amount is reported on Form 461, Line 16 as excess business loss. Although it is a loss, Form 461 Instructions indicate this amount should be reported as a positive number on the 'Other Income' Line of your tax return Schedule 1.

-Schedule 1, Excess Loss Adjustment-

Schedule 1

Page 2, Line 16

For Line 16, if the long worksheet Line 10 difference is not the difference between Lines 8 and 9, or if the short worksheet Line 4 value is too large, check Screen 24 Adjustments to Income. In the SE Health Insurance area, look at the Net Earnings (if multiple businesses) for an adjustment in the "Net earnings [A]" field. An entry in this field affects the automatic calculation. In this instance, review input and determine if the adjustment is warranted.

-Schedule 1, SEP, Simple and Qualified Plans-

Schedule 3

Page 2, Line 11

An amount on this line unless overridden indicates: A taxpayer received multiple W-2s and the combined amount of Social Security withheld exceeds the limit for the year based upon the maximum income limits subject to withholding. Input also affecting this line can flow from W-2 Box 12 Code A and/or M.

-Schedule 3, Excess SSA and tier 1 RRTA tax withheld-

Schedule 3

Page 2, Line 9

While an override input is available for the Form 8962 Net premium tax credit, if an override is entered in Screen 39.1, the return will not be able to be electronically filed. A critical diagnostic ref. #4533 will be generated to indicate to either remove the override or paper file the return.

-Schedule 3 Net premium tax credit-

Schedule 1

Page 1, Line 5

Line 5 If a loss does not seem to flow here, check to see if a Basis Limitation worksheet is being generated. To check for this, go to the Forms Tab. In the Form section, scroll down until getting to the Basis Limitation heading to check for the presence of the worksheet.

-Schedule 1-

Sch. E, p2

Sch. E, pg2, 28A Passive Income/Loss

If the full loss expected is not appearing, verify that input in Screen 20 is not limiting the business loss. To do this, go to Screen 20 for the relevant entity, look at the Part II-Information About the Partner section. Look for input in the "Subject to Section 461 limitation of business losses: 1=yes, 2=no [O]."

-Sch. E, p2 Passive Income/Loss-

Form 1116

Pg. 1, Part I, Line 1a

Foreign Sourced Qualified Dividend Adjustment calculation is as follows."To adjust your foreign source qualified dividends or capital gain distributions, multiply your foreign source qualified dividends or capital gain distributions in each separate category by 0.3788 if the foreign source qualified dividends or capital gain distributions are taxed at a rate of 15%, and by 0.5051 if they are taxed at a 20% rate. Include the results on Line 1a of the applicable Form 1116. You adjust your foreign source qualified dividends or capital gain distributions taxed at the 0% rate by not including them on Line 1a."

-Form 1116, Part I, Line 1a-

Form 5471

Pg. 4, Schedule F, Line 1

Schedule F Balance Sheet Not Generating ? Make sure that Category 3 and/or 4 are checked and applicable to the taxpayer on Screen 68.1. Make an entry on Screen 68.1 in the Schedule F - Balance Sheet Translation (1=average rate, 2=year end, or rate (xxx.xxxxxxx) section. As indicated on the input field, if there is no entry, U.S. dollars will be assumed to be entered. This uses amounts from Screen 68.1 Filer's Information Translation Rates to complete.

-Form 5471 Schedule F Balance Sheet-

Sch. E, p2

Sch. E, pg2, 28e Basis computation

For Schedule E, Pg2, Part II, line 28e, an X will appear for basis computation, if in Screen 20.2 for an S Corporation, there is an input field in the Line 16 section "[16E] Repayment of loans from shareholders". An input value here will populate the line with an X.

-Sch. E, p2 Basis computation-

Schedule 3

Pg. 2, Part II, Line 9

While an override input is available for the Form 8962 Net premium tax credit, if an override is entered in Screen 39.1, the return will not be able to be electronically filed. A critical diagnostic ref. #4533 will be generated to indicate to either remove the override or paper file the return.

-Schedule 3, Net premium tax credit-

Form 8606

Pg. 1, Line 7

If distributions from your traditional, SEP, and/or SIMPLE IRAs on line 7 is unexpectedly blank, use Jump to Input to check Screen 13.1 Pensions, IRA Distributions. In the form 8606 there is an input field, "Traditional/SEP/SIMPLE IRA 1=report on Form 8606, 2=exclude [O]". If 2 to exclude is selected, this will override program calculations and suppress distributions from appearing on the 8606.

-Form 8606-

Form 4797 p2

Part III, line 19(a)

Dispositions in 4797 p2, Part III line 19(a) may be missing if the sale does not result in a gain. Additionally, this section involves specific property types (1245,1250,1252, 1254, and 1255) so if transactions do not appear here, confirm the type of property is a match for this section.

-Form 4797 p2, Part III-

Form 1040X

Page 1, Line 15 8863 checkbox

Form 8863 credits that are refundable will check the 8863 checkbox and flow to Line 15 under the Payments section. If the credits are non-refundable they will go to Line 7 Nonrefundable credits under the Tax Liability section.

-Form 1040X, 8863 checkbox-

Form 4684

Pg. 1, Section A, checkbox

To enter a casualty or theft loss that has been recognized as a federally declared disaster, go to Screen 17 Dispositions, then to the Casualties and Thefts (4684) section. In the "1=personal, 2=business, 3=income, 4=employee" input field, enter a "1" which will check the box on Form 4684. Continue in Screen 17 to complete the Disaster loss and FEMA Disaster Declaration code input fields.

-Form 4684, Disaster loss-

Form 2350

Pg. 1, Line 1c

If the form is Generating but you are getting a Transmission Failure before the due date when trying to electronically file the extension, make sure there is a Foreign Address entered on Screen 1 Client Information, in the Address section. Put a check in the Foreign Address checkbox and enter the applicable input and Country code.

-Form 2350-

Schedule D

Page 1, Line 7 or Line 15

Line 7 or Line 15 may not foot if there is a Wash Sale and a Accrued market Discount adjustment entered on the same disposition. Accrued Market Discount reduces a gain, while Wash Sale rules pertain to disallowed losses for securities which are sold and repurchased within a certain time period. There are certain valid combinations of adjustments the program does not calculate. In instances like this, some preparers will net these two adjustments together or will add a 2nd sale, so that as an example: Sale #1 has Wash sale input and 50% of Cost/Sales price Sale #2 has Accrued Discount input and and 50% of Cost/Sales price. Note: IRS wash rules can also be applied to the holding and sale of bonds and wash rules broadly apply to the term securities, under which both stocks AND bonds are defined.

-Schedule D, Line 7 or 15-

Form 8824

Page 2, Line 23

The Recognized Gain is calculated as Cash received by taxpayer- Expenses of Sale or Exchange = Recognized Gain. This is the taxable amount of the 1031 exchange and is also referred to as "boot" in some instances. The recognized gain in the form of cash or an installment note is by definition a non like kind exchange within the transaction.

-Form 8824, Recognized gain-

Form 8824

Page 2, Line 15

Line 15 is composed of Cash received by taxpayer + FMV of Other Property received + Net liabilities assumed by the other party - Expenses of Sale or Exchange. Essentially, all of the components of the transaction other than the like-kind property itself. These components can act as add-ons or offsets as part of the realized gain or (loss).

-Form 8824, Cash received-

Form 8824

Page 2, Line 21

Line 21 of Form 8824 is used to designate the amount of the transaction that is categorized as taxable at ordinary income rates due to recapture rules. With a like-kind exchange this is commonly Section 1245 or 1250 Depreciation recapture. Jump to input provides access to either the Dispositions or Depreciation screens.

-Form 8824, Ordinary income-

Form 4684

How to generate:

If Form 4684 is not generating and the taxpayer has experiend a casualty or theft, check inputs in the following screens: In Screen 17.1 there needs to be a minimum of the Cost or Basis Fair market value of the asset before casualty or theft. Enter input on Screen 17.1 Dispositions in the Casualties and Thefts (4684) section. For Screen 22 there needs to be a minimum of Date Placed in Service and the Fair market value of the asset before casualty or theft. In Screen 22 Depreciation, enter input in the Casualties and Thefts (4684) section.

-Form 4684-

Form 8995-A Sch C

Page 1, Line 2

A qualified business loss carryover is a tax provision that allows a taxpayer to carry over a net operating loss (NOL) from one year to the next. The NOL can be used to offset taxable income in the following year, reducing the taxpayer's overall tax liability. The amount of the NOL that can be carried over is limited by the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 128.

-Form 8995-A Sch C-

Form 5695

Page 1, Part I, Line 7a

If a taxpayer wishes to claim the Residential Energy Efficient Property Credit (Form 5695), they must indicate on Screen 38.2 that qualified fuel cell property was installed. This is done by entering the cost of the fuel cell property on Form 5695, Part I, Line 8, and the kilowatt capacity of the fuel cell property.

-Form 5695-

Form Sch D

Page 1, Line 5

If you're dealing with unexpected losses from a Schedule K-1, check the Pass-Through K-1 Screen to see if there were losses disallowed due to passive or basis rules that may be freed up. These include: Unallowed Passive Losses > Regular > Short-Term Capital Loss, and Basis Carryovers > Capital Loss (Passive) > Short-Term.

-Form Sch D-

Form 1040

Page 2, Line 19

Taxpayers and/or spouses with Social Security Numbers (SSN) containing 00 as the middle digits will cause the Child Tax Credit/Other Dependent Credit to not calculate. This is because 00 is an invalid middle digit. However, the JTI Credit Override will work.

The SSN is composed of three parts: the area number, the group number, and the serial number. For more information, please visit

-Form 1040-

Form 8990

Page 3, Schedule A, Line 43(d)

For partnerships, 8990 Schedule A must be completed. Input is required in Screen 20.1, with Code 1117 and/or Code 845.1 entered in Box 13 as Code K. Additionally, input is required in Screen 20.2, with Code 845.1 entered in Box 13 as Code K.

-Form 8990-

Form Sch A

Page 1, Line 1

If no medical expenses appear, check Screen 25 for insurance reimbursements. Removing that number should allow the expenses to flow to this line.

-Form Sch A-

Form Sch E

Page 1, Line 26

For Line 26, the NPA tag on a amount indicates it's a "Non-Passive Activity." This activity can be either Land/Self-Rental or a 1 was entered in the 1 = non-passive input.

-Form Sch E-

Form 1045

Page 3, Schedule A, Line 1

Schedule A is used to calculate the amount of the Net Operating Loss (NOL) that can be carried back or forward.

-Form 1045-

Form 1045

Page 4, Schedule B, Line 1

Schedule B displays the outcome of the carry-back to previous years, as well as any utilizations. Manual input is necessary on Screen 60 since the program can't recognize the carryback from previous years. The results of the prior year, which has been copied and set for amending, also need to be entered on Screen 15. This will lead to the utilization (if any) and carry-forward amount reflected on Schedule B.

For the next year, the same process should be followed, including the carry-over figure from the previous year. The results from each year would be displayed on Schedule B.

-Form 1045-

Form 2210

Page 1, Part II, Checkbox A

Screen 8 Penalties & Interest is used for entering the Reason for Waiver of Penalty. There are two entries on this screen, one for the text at the top of the form, and the other is the reason for the waiver. Both commonly accepted reasons for the waiver require supporting detail documents, such as insurance records or retirement documents. Be sure to provide supporting documents since missing supporting documentation will result in a rejection when e-filed. See F1 help for more details.

-Form 2210-

Form 2555

Page 3, Part V, Line 27, No checkbox

There's no direct input available in this area. If the program has selected "No," it could be due to the income limitation. Whether income and exclusion allowance are compatible determines whether the exclusion amount is decreased or eliminated when the income reaches or exceeds the exclusion allowance.

-Form 2555-

Form Sch E p2

Page 1, Part II, Nonpassive Income and Loss, A(i)

If the field is empty, confirm that the input on the passthrough screen is marked as non-passive.

-Form Sch E p2-

Form 114

Page 1, Part I, Line 4a

Entries made in line 4 do not guarantee that the return can be e-filed via third-party software such as Lacerte since a TIN is required for that. However, it does inform the agency of the type of ID that's available when the return is filed directly on the agency website.

-Form 114-

Form 114

Page 1, Line 51a

If boxes on line 51a are checked incorrectly, ensure that the federal box is selected for e-filing on Screen 1. The 114 form requires e-filing, and if it's not marked, the signature section may not display correctly.

-Form 114-

Form 114

Page 1, Part I, Line 14a

For Line 14a of Form 114, select "Yes" if there are more than 25 accounts to report. If this answer is "Yes," account information won't be displayed on page two. If there are up to 24 accounts, they will be displayed on multiple pages as needed. However, if there are 25 or more accounts, they will be reported and parts two and three will be skipped. Overrides in Screen 82 can be used for Total Number of Accounts. If you override the input to 24 or less, the program will generate a printout of all the accounts entered, but the reported numbers on the 114 and the 114a will be incorrect. This means that this option is only useful for seeing a printout of the accounts.

-Form 114-

Form 3115

Page 1

To generate Form 3115, go to Screen 47.1 for Change in Accounting Method (3115), and check Print this Form 3115. Further information on generating Form 3115 in Lacerte, including different parts, can be found in "Generating Form 3115 in Lacerte," which is available at

-Form 3115-

Form 2106

Page 1, Step 2, Line 7, Column B

All W-2 code L items will be listed under column A for Employer Expense Reimbursements, unless the amount attributed to meals is reported on Screen 10 under Amount attributed to meals.

-Form 2106-

Form 1045

Page 1, Line 3

If there is missing data in a particular area, check Screen 60 for the Supplement checkbox option. Checking this option will skip lines 1-9.

-Form 1045-

Form 1116

Page 2, Part III, Line 10

All four columns on Screen 35 are required for 1116 Foreign Tax Credit Carryovers and Regular Tax. Additionally, the name of the foreign country and category of income must also be provided.

-Form 1116, credit carryovers and regular tax-

Form 8829

Page 1, Part II, Line 8

If the 8829 is attached to any Schedule other then the Schedule C in the Details, Lacerte will generate a worksheet instead of Form 8829.

-Form 8829-

Form 1040NR

Page 1, Foreign Country Name

Go to Screen 1 and check the box for Foreign Address to populate Country, Province/State and ZIP codes.

-Form 1040NR-

Form 5695

Page 1, Part I, Line 7a

When you use Jump to Input in addition to the Amount field, a Kilowatt field is also required.

-Form 5695-

Form 2441

Page 2, Part III, Line 12

When applying the amount from Schedule K-1, line 13O to Form 2441 page 2, line 12, make sure to enter it also on Screen 33.1, General Information on Dependent Care Benefits. Check the box for "Sole Proprietorship or Partnership."

-Form 2441-

Form 8962

Page 1, Part II, Line 12(f)

If columns A through E are blank this is per the form instructions. When Line 5 is 401 it says to: Complete only column (f) of Line 11 or Lines 12 through 23.

-Form 8962-

Form 4797 p2

Page 1, Part III, Line 21

This this amount is lower then expected check the 4797 page 2 line 21. The cost or Bais will be reduced if the ownership percentage is less than 100%. To change this review the following fields:Schedule E: go to Screen 18. Scroll to the Other Information section. Adjust/Remove any amounts in the field Percentage of ownership if not 100% (.xxxx) as applicable Form 4835: go to Screen 19 to the General Information section. Adjust/Remove any amounts in the field Percentage of ownership if not 100% (.xxxx)

If none of the above options are applicable, this could mean that the asset being disposed of was only partially disposed. To adjust/stop the cost or basis reduction for assets that were depreciated and sold: Go to Screen 22, Depreciation, and Select the applicable asset being sold. Scroll to the Sale of Asset (4797/6252) section. Adjust/remove the amount in the field Percentage (.xx) or amount of basis sold. Once all adjustments have been made, view the Form 4797, page 2, Line 21 to verify that this has corrected the amount.

-Form 4797 p2-

Form Sch E

Page 1, Part 1, Line 1A

According to the instructions for Line 1a, for rental real estate property only, include the street address, city or town, state, and ZIP code.

-Form Sch E-

Form Sch D

Page 1, Part I, Line 1(b)

If the amount is showing on line 1b instead of line 1a and Schedule 17.1 Basis Reported is blank, go to Schedule D then Carryovers/Miscellaneous Information. Review the entry for Print all assets on Form 8949: select 1 for "Yes" or 2 for "No" [O] --- if 1 is selected, remove if blank; otherwise, enter 2.

-Form Sch D-

Form Sch E p2

Page 1, Part V, Line 41

If the amount from Line 32 is not going here, check to see if it is being limited by Form 8582.

-Form Sch E p2-

Form 2555

Pg. 2, Part III, Line 18(d)

330 full days total.

-Form 2555-

Form Sch A

Page 1, Line 11

Charitable contributions from K-1 may be limited by basis. To confirm, temporarily enter a large number in the Basis Limitation as Adjusted Basis at End of Year [Override] on Screen 20 for the K-1.

-Form Sch A-

Form 114a

Page 1, Part II, Line 15

This is generated from Screen 1 entries/options for the Preparers and Firms Tab. Check Screen 4.4 e-file Miscellaneous in the Alternate Paid Preparer section (press F1 for Help, if return was prepared by another firm) to see if it is being overridden.

-Form 114a-

Form Sch SE

Page 1, Part I, Line 3

Community Property Income only shows when the filing status is Married Filing Separately in a community property state when there is an entry on Screen 45.1 under Community income taxed to spouse [O] (Code 13)

-Form Sch SE-

Form 1116

Page 1, Line g checkbox

According to the instructions, Part I should be skipped for lump-sum distributions.

-Form 1116-

Form 114

Page 1, Part I, Line 2

The Type of Filer information is based on the program inputs for the type of return that is completed. A Form 114 that is prepared in a Individual return will check the Individual box. If the form was prepared for Form 1120 return, it can be either a corporation or a consolidated return, depending on the input.

-Form 114-

Form 8938

Page 1, Additional Statements checkbox

If you have attached continuation statements, please check here and ensure that the number of continuation statements automatically complete when there are more than one account going to Part V (Multiple Accounts on Screen 82.2 with Account Number [MANDATORY for Part I] completed).

-Form 8938-

Form 5329

Page 1, Part 1, Line 2

The additional tax on early distributions does not apply to the distributions described next. Enter on Line 2 the amount that you can exclude. In the space provided, enter the applicable exception number (01–23). If more than one exception applies, enter 99.

-Form 5329-

Form 114

Page 1, Part I, Line 14b

For 14(b), indicate "Yes" if the filer has signature authority over 25 or more financial accounts in which they have no financial interest. Enter the total number of accounts in the space provided and complete Part IV, items 34 through 43 for each person on whose behalf the filer has signature authority.

-Form 114-

Form 114

Page 4, Part IV, Line 15

If lines15-23 are not completing, but line 34 is, refer to Page 1, Item 14(b) for more information.

-Form 114-

Form Sch C

Page 1 Part I, Line 6

Enter your 1099-G Box 8 data here.

-Form Sch C-

Form 8941

Page 1, Line 9 and 10

There is an unavoidable loop between Lines 15 and 16 of Form 8941 and Form 3800, where the health insurance will be forwarded per Form direction. The 3800 references the 8941. The IRS may request the 8941 for support. Lacerte does not generate it if Line 15 would just drop down to Line 16 and then go directly to the 3800 without a calculation. To comply with the request, a blank Form 8941 should be completed with Lines 15 and 16 entered, and then mailed to the IRS. The Form directs that no further calculation is required on Form 8941.

-Form name-

Form Sch A (Dis Std)

Page 1, Line 16

This is for the DIS STD Disaster Loss claimed with Standard Deduction.

-Form Sch A (Dis Std)-

Form 1040

Page 1, Line 4b

To trigger line 4b for Qualifying Charitable Distributions (QCD), use Screen 13.1, Other Information and make sure to select "Charitable IRA Distributions" under IRA distributions transferred to qualified charity (Code 63). Also, ensure that IRA/SEP/SIMPLE is checked and Gross Distributions is completed. Additionally, make sure to check the dates on Screen 1 and see if the spouse box needs to be checked or unchecked on Screen 13.1. Note that individuals must be 70 1/2 years old at the time of the distribution to qualify.

-Form 1040-

Form 1040-SR

Page 1, Line 1(a)

The addition of 2441 Flexible Spending to wages is being carried forward to 20YY. To view this information, go to Screen 33.1 > General Information > Dependent Care Benefits > Carried forward to 20YY.

-Form 1040-SR-

Form 4562

Page 1, Part I, Line 2

The following requirements must be satisfied, unless forced: Property should be placed in service in the current year with depreciation. A Section 179 expense deduction is claimed. Current depreciation on any listed property from any date is applied. Amortization of costs begins in the current tax year. Depreciation on the 1120 return is present.

-Form 4562-

Form 5329

Page 2, Part IX, Line 53

If this field is blank right-click and Jump to Input from Line 53. An entry of blank or "0 = none" may have been entered. Amounts in Part IX of Form 5329 may not show, or will be reduced if a waiver input has been entered on Screen 41.2. Note: As a reminder, enter the amount in Line 52 that was the RMD for the tax year. This is required to calculate the tax or to indicate the net amount watived.

-Form 5329-

Form Sch E

Page 1, Part I, A

If you have more than three rental real estate or royalty properties, you can complete and attach as many Schedule E forms as needed to list them. However, only one Schedule E is required to answer lines A and B, and to fill in lines 23a through 26. The figures on lines 23a through 26 on that Schedule E should represent the combined total for all properties listed on your Schedules E.

-Form Sch E-

Form 6765

Page 1, Section B, Lines 30 and 31

Line 28 must be interpreted correctly in order for Lines 30 and 31 to be calculated accurately. All three prior year expenses must be present in order for Lines 30 and 31 to be calculated; if all three are not present, Line 29 should be multiplied by 6% for Line 32.

-Form 6765-

Form 6781

Page 1, Line 6

Lines 6-9 will be blank in the following conditions per the line 5 instructions: Partnerships enter the amount from Line 5 on Form 1065, Schedule K, Line 11. Electing large partnerships enter the amount from Line 5 on Form 1065-B, Part II, Line 5. S corporations enter the amount from Line 5 on Form 1120S, Schedule K, Line 10. Lines 6 through 9 in Part I of Form 6781 don’t apply to partnerships or S corporations and are left blank.

-Form 6765-

Form 8082

Page 1, Part I, Line 4

To enter the Address inputs located near the bottom of the Section selections on the passthrough input screens. Be aware that Jump to Input will default to the partnership group, however, the S-Corporation has its own section. The address will not flow to Form until the Form is activated with Line 1 checkboxes.

-Form 8082-

Form 1040NR

Page 1, Dependents section

From form instructions, Only U.S. nationals and residents of Canada and Mexico can claim a dependent on the same terms as U.S. citizens. Residents of South Korea and students or business apprentices from India who are eligible for the benefits of Article 21(2) of the United States–India Income Tax Treaty may claim dependents on the more limited terms described in chapter 5 of Pub. 519. No other person filing a Form 1040-NR can claim a qualifying dependent.

-Form 1040NR-

Form 8606

Page 2, Part III, Line 19

On Screen 13.1 Pensions, IRA Distributions, in the Other Information section, enter a 1 for qualified, 2 for non-qualified, or 3 for direct rollover in the Roth IRA field [O] as applicable. In the Form 1099-R section of the same Screen 13.1, there is a button in the 1099 section which can be used to quickly navigate to Screen 24 to enter the Roth Basis.

There are approximately eight exclusions given on page 10 of the 2023 Form 8606 instructions for line 19. If, after considering these exclusions, there's no amount to enter on line 19, you don't need to complete Part III. This means that your Roth IRA distribution(s) is not taxable, according to the IRS form instructions.

-Form 8606-

Form 8958

Page 1, Line 1

To input data into Form 8958, use Screen 3.1 and the Ctrl-E supporting details inputs for each line. Enter all required data and ensure that allocations to taxable entities and spouses are correctly recorded.

-Form 8958-


Sch. K-1

Line 2

Self-Rentals and Land for Partnership and S Corporation
Modules: When an S Corporation or a Partnership has a Rental Real Estate
Activity and the Type of Property is classified as Land or Self-Rental, the
Schedule K-1, box 2 Supporting Statement will default to Nonpassive for the
property if Net Income is a gain. Losses will still be reported as Passive. Refer to Treas. Reg. section 1.199A-1(b)(14) and IRS Pub. 925 for more information.

Line 20

Any statements that arise from dispositions with Section 179 will be displayed here as an amount that represents the shareholder's percentage of the disposition. As per the Form Instructions, the disposition information should be transferred to the shareholder or partner's return and not to the corporation or partnership 4797.

Other Information input and codes can be entered in Screen 22. Use CTRL+E for Codes D,H,I,J,K,M,O,P,Q,R,S,T,V,W,X, AH

Page 4a

Screen 13, enter an amount in the Trade or Business (For Services) input that can be specially allocated (screen 29) or flow normally to this line.

-Schedule K-1-

Form 1065

Page 6, Line 12a

Choose Amortization Code 197 in Screen 14 to get assets to print on 12A instead of 9a. Code 197 is available from a dropdown list that appears in the Asset Information section under Regular Depreciation.

-Form 1065 Intangible Assets-

Form 8990

Page 1, Checkbox A,B,C,D

In the Partnership module, input is not available for items A,B,C,D for the form 8990.

-Form 8990-

Form 8824

Page 2, Line 21

Line 21 of Form 8824 is used to designate the amount of the transaction that is categorized as taxable at ordinary income rates due to recapture rules. With a like-kind exchange this is commonly Section 1245 or 1250 Depreciation recapture. Jump to input provides access to either the Dispositions or Depreciation screens.

-Form 8824, Ordinary income-

Form 1065

Page 2, Line 10a

To indicate a Section 754 election on a Partnership return, go to Screen 5, Other Information (Schedule B) and enter a check in the "Partnership is making or has in effect a Section 754 election." This will generate an X on line Page, 2 line 10a of the return.

-Form 1065, 754 election-

Form 1065

Page 1, Line 14

If permitted by the line instructions, you can enter local or city taxes in this section, including state and local sales taxes. It's important to use State, if different to zero out any difference. If the amount seems lower than expected, check to see if Form 8846 is being generated.

-Form 1065-

Form 4562

Page 1, Line 22

A partnership or S corporation does not include any section 179 expense deduction 4562 (line 12) on this line. Instead, any section 179 expense deduction is passed through separately to the partners and shareholders on the appropriate line of their Schedules K-1.

-Form 4562-

Form 8990

Page 1, Line 25

If the partnership has a limitation on business interest expense, the disallowed business interest expense (excess business interest expense) is not carriedover by the partnership, but is allocated tothe partners. Amounts carried to this line flow from Screen 72, Form 8990 - Limitation on Business Interest Expense

-Form 8990 Business Interest expense Limitation-

Form 1065

Page 1, Line 16a

A partnership or S corporation does not include any section 179 expense deduction 4562 (line 12) on this line. Instead, any section 179 expense deduction is passed through separately to the partners and shareholders on the appropriate line of their Schedules K-1.

-Form 4562-

S Corporation

Form 1120S

Page 5, Sch. M-2, Line 1

Statements in this section of the form refer to gains from sec. 179 distributions will not match what is reported on sch. K Line 17 and the K1s because the Sch K does not account for the calculation that will take place after the export. (it’s just a pass-through of info). The Line 3 statement should match the outcome of that calculation after importing to the Individual. 4797.

-Form 1120S, Section 179 distributions-

Form 2553 (Return)

How to generate:

This election is time sensitive. It will not take effect if sent more than 2 months and 15 days after the beginning of the tax year. Forms sent with a return will be for the next tax season, unless the filing date is beyond the limit previously mentioned. See Form 2553 Instructions for details on when and how to file. Input to generate this form can be found in Screen 53.1, S Corporation Election (2553).

-Form 2553, Return-

Form 2553 (Separate)

How to generate:

This election is time sensitive. It will not take effect if sent more than 2 months and 15 days after the beginning of the tax year. Forms sent with a return will be for the next tax season, unless the filing date is beyond the limit previously mentioned. See Form 2553 Instructions for details on when and how to file. Input to generate this form can be found in Screen 53.1, S Corporation Election (2553).

-Form 2553, Separate-

Schedule B-1

How to generate:

To generate this form, in Schedule B of the Federal 1120S, question 3 must be answered Yes. The input for this can be found in Screen 3.1 Misc. Info/Other Info. In the lower left corner of the screen, under Miscellaneous Information, select the Other Information (Schedule B) section. Enter a 1=yes in the "Shareholder was a disregarded entity, a trust, an estate, or a nominee or similar person" input field, which will create the Schedule B-1. To enter shareholder Schedule B-1 information for this schedule, go to Screen 36, Schedule K-1 Miscellaneous.

-SCorp Schedule B-1-

Sch. K-1

Line 20

Any statements that arise from dispositions with Section 179 will be displayed here as an amount that represents the shareholder's percentage of the disposition. As per the Form Instructions, the disposition information should be transferred to the shareholder or partner's return and not to the corporation or partnership 4797.


Form 8949

Page 2 (Box D)

Form not generating? Wanting to display all dispositions? Wanting "See Attached Statement" to show? Form 8949 is not required for certain dispositions.
A per-tax-type option is available within the program Options available in the Settings dropdown menu. To view these, select the Tax Return tab. Within the Federal Tax Options, locate the option to Report All Assets on Form 8949.
The Individual override for this option is located on Screen 17.1, Dispositions, within the Carryovers/Misc subscreen. You can also access this screen by clicking the Carryovers/Misc Info link available in left navigation panel: Print all assets on Form 8949: 1=yes, 2=no [O]

Form 1120

Client Letter

Screen 5.1 Client Letter Section Client Letter Screen 5; Code 4 In the Date input field, enter the date in M/D/Y Format to print at the top of the client letter and client invoice. Enter the date as a negative number (-M/D/Y or M/D/Y-) to also print the date at the bottom of Form 1120.

-Form 1120, Client Letter-

Form 982

Page 1, Part III

The Corporate module is the only tax module where Part III of the Form 982 is generated. Input for this section is found in Screen 75, Discharge of Indebtedness. In the General Information section, indicate the discharge type and enter the remaining input in the Form 982-Nonrecognition of Gain Under Section 1081 (if applicable) section.

-Form 982, Nonrecognition of gain-

Schedule E

Page 1, Part I, Line 19

For Line 19, amortized expenses should be allocated to the direct column, rather than the indirect column, to avoid repeating the business use calculation already applied on the depreciation screen.

-Schedule E, amortized expenses-

Schedule D

Page 1, Line 18

If Line 18 not the sum of 16 and 17, check for input in Screen 13 Income, under the Other Income section. There is a "Capital Gain [O]" input which can cause Line 18 on the Schedule D not to foot. Additionally, in Screen 15 Dispositions, check the Overrides section at the bottom of the screen for the presence of any "Total gain [O]" that is not intended.

-Schedule D, Line 18-


Form 1041

Schedule B Line 7

The Schedule B section can be empty if no distributions are paid out or required based upon the schedules Income Distribution form instructions as line 7 is the total of all activity in lines 1-6 and includes values which can be positive or negative.

-Form 1041 Sch. B-

Form 1041

Page 1, Line 15b

The required supporting statement for this line can be input on Screen 33, Net Operating Loss section, in the "Net operating loss deduction" supporting detail (Ctrl+E) field.

-Form 1041, NOL deduction-

Sch. K-1

Page 1, Line 5 (K-1 Export exception)

When exporting K-1 data from a Fiduciary Beneficiary to another Fiduciary, the amounts on this line will will not export. The amounts on this line will need to be entered on the recieving Fiduciary in Screen 25, Passthrough K-1s, using either Other Income and Deductions - Passive input fields or Other Income and Deductions - Nonpassive input fields.

-Schedule K-1, Exporting K-1 data-

Form 1041-ES

Page 1, Fiduciary Name

Trusts and estates are required to make estimated payments. However, if the Fiduciary is less than two years old, or marked "Initial" in Screen 2.1 under Estate/Trust information, an estimate is not required. To force estimates in Screen 2.1, Miscellaneous Information, enter a '1' in the field 1= decedents estate open more than 2 years [O] (code 18) . This is because the IRS does not require estimated payments for a grantor trust to be made for tax years ending before the second anniversary of the decedent's death. This entry will override the provision and force estimates.

-Form 1041-ES Estimates criteria-

K1 Letter

K1 Letter Salutation

To change the Salutation on the Fiduciary Schedule K1 Letter for a particular return, go to Screen 43 Schedule K-1 Overrides/Miscellaneous, then enter Letter salutation [O] text you wish to appear. This override affects only the client return you are in and will not impact other returns.

-K1 Letter-

Form 1041

Page 2, Line 9

Line 9 is to be completed by all simple trusts as well as complex trusts and decedent's estates that are required to distribute income currently, whether it is distributed or not. The determination of whether trust income is required to be distributed currently depends on the terms of the governing instrument and the applicable local law. Refer to p.28, 29 of Form Instructions.

-Form 1041, income distributions-

Form 1041

Page 1, Line 26

The tax withheld may be prorated to match the distribution amounts if the Credits [O] in screen 9 is set to "2= prorate to beneficiary".

Form 8949

Page 1, Box A

Form not generating? Wanting to display all dispositions? Wanting "See Attached Statement" to show? Form 8949 is not required for certain dispositions.
A per-tax-type option is available within the program Options available in the Settings dropdown menu. To view these, select the Tax Return tab. Within the Federal Tax Options, locate the option to Report All Assets on Form 8949.
The client override for this option is located on Screen 22.1, Dispositions, within the Carryovers/Misc subscreen. You can also access this screen by clicking the Carryovers/Misc link available in left navigation panel: Print all assets on Form 8949: 1=yes, 2=no [O] (code 949).

-Form 8949-

Page 2, Box D (HDI)

Form not generating? Wanting to display all dispositions? Wanting "See Attached Statement" to show? Form 8949 is not required for certain dispositions.
A per-tax-type option is available within the program Options available in the Settings dropdown menu. To view these, select the Tax Return tab. Within the Federal Tax Options, locate the option to Report All Assets on Form 8949.
The client override for this option is located on Screen 22.1, Dispositions, within the Carryovers/Misc subscreen. You can also access this screen by clicking the Carryovers/Misc link available in left navigation panel: Print all assets on Form 8949: 1=yes, 2=no [O] (code 949).

Page 2, Box D, 1(g)

Code X: You can exclude all or part of your gain under the rules explained in the Schedule D Instructions for DC Zone assets or qualified community assets. Report the sale or exchange on Form 8949 as you would if you weren't taking the exclusion. Enter the amount of the exclusion as a negative number (in parentheses) in column (g).

-Form 8949-

Form 1041

Page 1, Line 30

Estimates are not required for new trusts To force estimates: In Screen 2.1 Estate/Trust
Information there is an input field “1=decendant's estate open over 2 years, 2=leave question blank (O)”. In this field, enter a 1. In Screen 12 YYYY Estimated Tax Apply overpayment to YYYY, where YYYY refers to the following tax year. You may also need to enter Overrides in Screen 12 if the program does not calculate estimates as necessary. Where an amended return is involved, the maximum amount that can show on line 30a is Line 29 minus Screen 74 Overpayment from original return.

-Form 1041, Estimates-

Form 1116

Page 2, Line 17

A zero value here means there is no taxable income, and therefore no 1116 foreign tax credit.

-Form 1116, Foreign tax credit-

Form 1116

Page 1, Part I, Line 1a

No adjustments may be necessary; however, if they are, the program will first work through Worksheet A. If Worksheet A does not apply, Worksheet B will be used. If no adjustment is required, refer to the Instructions on page 8 for the Information Diagnostic #7275.

-Form 1116, Adjustments worksheet if necessary-

Form 5227

Page 7, Part V

Form 5227 Input for this section is on screen 48.2. The "Yes" box above must be checked and the input for that is 48.1.

-Form 5227-

Lacerte Tax

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