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How to resolve ProConnect Tax diagnostic Ref. 5834 name truncation when entering date of death

by Intuit Updated 5 months ago

This diagnostic may generate:

e-file: Taxpayer's name is being truncated in the e-file, as a result of truncation, the return will be rejected by the IRS. Shorten the Taxpayer's or spouse's name using the following priority: a. Omit titles such as M. D. or Ph. D. which are not part of the taxpayer's given name. b. Input middle initial instead of keying the entire middle name. c. Omit the spouses middle initial. d. Omit the taxpayers middle initial. e. Substitute initial for spouse's given name. f. Substitute initial for taxpayer's given name. (ref. #5834)(ref. #5834)

To resolve this diagnostic:

This diagnostic generates when you enter a date of death in the Client Information screen.

This action prompts ProConnect Tax to append "Deceased" after the name of the decedent in the e-file of the return, which often causes the entry to exceed its space in the e-file, resulting in the critical diagnostic above.

Try reducing the names by:

  • Omitting titles such as M.D. or Ph.D, which aren't part of the taxpayer's given name
  • Limiting the middle name to just the middle initial
  • Omitting the middle initial
  • Substituting the initial for the spouse's or taxpayer's given name
  • Removing the middle initials from the In Care of field

The e-file has a character limitation of 35 characters, 10 of which are used when you indicate the taxpayer or spouse as deceased. If it isn't possible to clear the diagnostic, you must paper-file the return.

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