Understanding Form 114 e-file acknowledgments
by Intuit•1• Updated 2 years ago
After e-filing Form 114, one of three basic acknowledgment statuses is displayed on your ProConnect Tax e-file dashboard. The meaning and handling of 114 acknowledgments differ from acknowledgements of "traditional" income tax returns.
Acknowledgement messages
- Frm 114 Accepted indicates the form was successfully e-filed and no other action is required.
- Frm 114 Conditional Accept indicates the e-filed Form 114 was received by the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), but errors in the filing were identified.
- Click on the status to display the e-file history and view information on the error(s) that caused the conditional acceptance.
- You must correct the errors and e-file an amended Form 114 for the client.
- Frm 114 Rejected should only be returned in rare circumstances and is typically handled by the Intuit Electronic Filing Center.
- Click on the status hyperlink to find additional information and instructions on how to proceed.
These acknowledgments also apply to amended Form 114 filings. Unlike other tax returns, you can file an unlimited number of amended Forms 114 for a client until you receive a Frm 114 Accepted status.