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Locating the Submission ID for an e-filed return in ProSeries

by Intuit Updated 1 year ago

When a return is e-filed a Submission ID is assigned for tracking. Once you check for acknowledgements, you can find the Submission ID in ProSeries:

Finding the submission ID on the EF Center:

  1. Open ProSeries.
  2. If using ProSeries Professional, go to the EF Center. If using ProSeries Basic, go to the EF Clients Tab.
  3. Highlight the client you need the submission ID for.
  4. Scroll to the right until you find the Submission ID column.

Finding the submission ID on the Client Status History report:

  1. Open ProSeries.
  2. If using ProSeries, go to the EF Center. If using ProSeries Basic, go to the EF Clients Tab.
  3. Highlight the client you need the submission ID for.
  4. From the E-File menu, select Electronic Filing, then Electronic Filing Reports.
  5. Under Select Reports select Electronic Filing Client Status History.
  6. Click Print to preview the report.
  7. The submission ID can found found on the Ret. SBM ID: line.
  8. From the preview you can print, or close the report.

Finding the submission ID on the 9325 for individual returns.

  1. Open ProSeries.
  2. Open the individual clients return.
  3. Press F6 to bring up Open Forms.
  4. Type 9325 and click OK to open the 9325.
  5. You can find the submission ID on line 2.
ProSeries BasicProSeries Professional

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