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How to resolve an invalid date for a WI Consolidator E-file signature

by Intuit Updated 2 years ago

Upon completing a Wisconsin consolidated return, the date displayed next to the e-file signature form may show an invalid date such as 12/75/6057 or 8/50/4038.

The error appears to be either computer-generated or triggered by entering a preparer's signature date (code 132) in the Wisconsin Miscellaneous section of Screen 4.2, Electronic Filing (series 4600).

To correct the invalid date

  1. Go to Screen 4.2, Electronic Filing.
  2. On the left-hand side of the screen, click on the section Wisconsin Miscellaneous.
  3. Check that the Preparer's signature date is entered only once, either in the subsidiary, the parent, or the consolidator return. The signature date should appear in only one of those three places.
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