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Using an image or company logo to the Lacerte client letter or Organizer

by Intuit Updated 4 months ago

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Before you start:

You can add a Bitmap (*.BMP) version of your company logo or image to your Client Letters.  When you add a picture to the Client Letter, the program assigns the image a keyword. You can use this keyword in the following locations:

  • Client Letter
  • Cover Page for the Organizer
  • Organizer Client Letter
  • Database Report Letter.

Import your logo into the Lacerte program:

  1. Open the Client Letter.
    • To open the Standard Client Letter, under the Settings menu and select Client Letter.
    • To open the Organizer Client Letter, under the Tools menu, select Organizer, and select the " +" next to Client Letter.
    • To open the Database Report Letter, under the Print menu, select Database Reports, and then select the Letters tab.
  2. Select the desired letter.
  3. Go to the Tools menu and select Keywords.
  4. Select Bitmap menu then Add.
  5. Enter the name for the new keyword in the Keyword Name box.
  6. In the File Path box, select Browse to specify the location of the  *.BMP file.
  7. Select OK to add the bitmap to the Keyword Names list.
    • The BMP file is now displayed in the Keyword Names list when you select .
  8. Select Close.

After you import your logo for one letter, it will be available for all other letters in Lacerte.

Insert a logo or picture to the Client letter:

  1. Open the Client Letter.
  2. Position the cursor where you want to insert the picture.
  3. Under the Tools menu select Keywords.
  4. In the Categories list, select .
  5. In the Keyword Names list, double-click the bitmap you want to use.
  6. To change the size of the image, enter the new width or height.
    • You can drag the right corner of your bitmap to resize the image also.
  7. Select Accept to save and insert the bitmap into your client letter.

The keyword will be displayed in the letter after the Bitmap is added. The image will appear when the Client Letter is printed.

Preview the changes

  • To preview the Standard Client Letter, select the Folder menu and select Print Preview.
  • To preview the Database Report Letter, select Preview button at the bottom of the window.
  • The Organizer Client Letter doesn't have a preview option.  You'll need to print the organizer letter to preview it.
Lacerte Tax

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