How to enter Michigan PTE in Lacerte
by Intuit• Updated 6 months ago
Down below we'll go over how to report the Michigan elective pass-through entity tax (sometimes called PTE, PTET, or SALT workaround) and the resulting credit in Lacerte.
Table of contents:
- Go to Screen 53.146 Other Michigan Credits.
- Enter the credit on the Electing flow-through entity credit line.
- This will flow to the MI-1040 line 29.
- Complete and File Form 5772 through Michigan Treasury Online (MTO).
- See here for additional FAQ's from Michigan.
- To enter the withholding for the partners, Go to Screen 32.1 Partners Miscellaneous Info.
- Scroll down to the Michigan Information section.
- Enter the Withholding to be distributed for each partner.