
Actually, the adjustments pushed out were negative adjustments (positive to the taxpayers) via an AAR form 1065X covering several years.  My client was an upper tier partnership that was getting form 8986 "pushed out" adjustments from mid and lower tier partnerships.  The partnership receiving the forms 8986 then pushed out the 8986 adjustments to its partners, who then prepared form 8978 for their current year federal tax returns.

It appeared to me that some of the CCH software products had this process automated for completion and filing.  I had to FAX the forms 8986 to the IRS, and attach form 8978 to a paper filed federal return, as Lacerte did not allow digital processing of these forms.

You bring up a good point, I am not really sure of the extent of the CCH software support for filing forms 8986 and 8978 - since I only use Lacerte - however, it appeared CCH software did provide some digital processing.