
Add and ability to completely freeze returns once they are filed, so the numbers do NOT change with each software update, subsequent tax law changes should NOT change returns in PTO after they've already been filed.  
Also freezing returns prevents from accidentally changing numbers on completed and filed returns.
There should be an ability to unfreeze returns in case we need to amend after making a copy, with warnings confirming that we do want to unlock the previously filed tax return.


Thank you for your idea, it has been implemented! Please review the article here: How to lock and unlock returns in ProConnect Tax

Status: Implemented
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Status changed to: Open for voting

Thanks for the idea. We are changing the status to "Open for voting" since it is no longer considered "New". If you have any questions on the life cycle of an idea, check out our Idea Getting Started Guide for more information.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Have you utilized the lock feature? Take a look at this article here:  How to lock and unlock returns in ProConnect Tax I hope this helps! 

Level 7

@IntuitGabi "You" can not utilized the lock feature. Return is automatically locked after E-file, you can unlock it, but you cannot lock it again. So OP has a valid point.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Thanks for the feedback @puravidapto (...and all your contributions to the enhancements space!) Please continue to add comments if you find them necessary on the ProConnect Idea Exchange.
To see what is next on the radar, "Status": Open for voting,"Sort by": Most Popular.

Level 1

I love the idea of locking a return - especailly the prior period returns.

Keep me in the loop - I hope it happens!

Status changed to: Implemented

Thank you for your idea, it has been implemented! Please review the article here: How to lock and unlock returns in ProConnect Tax