
I used to use Lacerte (desktop version) and I was able to add a column to my default view that showed the tax returns due date. This was incredibly helpful for fiscal year end clients. It would be great if you could add this column on the tax returns list screen. 

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Level 1

Please add this - at least the Due Date Field.  I know Lacerte has hundreds of fields of info you can add.  Some of these may be helpful also.  But since the information is already in the program, it woudl be nice to be able to add at least Due Date and possibly a few others.  Maybe PTO can put them in over time slowly.   When comparing the Lacerte screen and PTO, the one obvious huge one missing is Due Date

Level 3
Level 3

This definitely needs to be in the software. I have a 990 & a FY C Corp and the Due Dates aren't the typical ones, especially when extended.