02:01 PM
02:01 PM
The IRS system is NOT programmed to allow the efiling of extensions after the original filing due date (March 15, 2023 and April 18, 2023). To avoid issues with efiling extensions, we recommend you efile client's extensions by the original due date (March 15 and April 18).
We will be filing extensions for our clients on the original extension due date of March 15 and April 18.
We are not changing the client letter due dates because some of our clients are NOT in the disaster county. With over 2000 client, we are not going to customize our client letters. We are putting this paragraph in our client letters immediately after the "Dear Client":
IF you live in or have a business in a "qualifying" County, then the 2022 tax due to the IRS and CA FTB can be paid May 15 and the first 2023 IRS and CA FTB estimated tax payment can be paid May 15. For qualifying Counties, please go to IRS.GOV and search "California storm relief 2023" and for CA, please go to FTB.CA.GOV and search "California storm relief 2023".
Since the FTB and IRS computers are not programmed for this May 15 date, we are advising all of our clients to pay the extension payment by March 15 and April 18. This will avoid IRS and FTB letters that assess late payment penalties. And this will avoid numerous hours by us to call the IRS and FTB to get the penalties waived.
And we all thought 2023 tax season would be easier!