
I've been kicking around ways of doing this as painlessly as possible, and my first question is: would you want anything BEYOND what is detailed in the Organizer?

These are the Lacerte pages that are currently included in the Organizer (plus some random number of state-specific pages, depending on your "DB State" input at the bottom of page1/client info):

First column is the input sheet that we humans go to, in order to make entries.  Second column is the "Series #" (look at the bottom left corner of a paper input sheet) that Lacerte stores the information by.  Third column is what it *IS*.

Would you actually want the page47/Notes included?

Would you want more than those items listed?

Would you want to EXCLUDE any of those?

Would you need anything more extensive than the sample that I put together previously (last post visible on Page 1 of this thread)?  Basically a section header and then "list of items" for that section.

Is this something that you would print for ALL clients? For clients of "some specific F4/status" (or several of them)?

Would you prefer it as a PDF (which you could then forward by email OR print out) or straight to printed copy right away?


If anyone is willing to experiment with free software, let me know ("ParadoxForLacerte <at>") and I can take you through downloading Lacerte's ODBC setup, Paradox's free Runtime package, and some simple Scripts & Reports within Paradox to parse out the information and make use of it.

Robert Kirk