
"Maybe a brief (undetailed) bullet point list of the type of expenses they had in the prior year - charitable contributions, real estate taxes, etc. No specifics, though. I don't need my 80 year old client that gave $20 to 30 organizations to have that on this letter/organizer."  --  amec

Note that this is different from what had been requested in the past.  This is just a list of "input sections" (such as page10/wages, page11/interest, page16/busines, page18/rental, and so on).
  This is trivial to put together, and I have shown examples at the last post of page1 of this comment thread:

However, I have to say that giving a client that just says, "give us all of your interest income statements" doesn't really help most clients.  "Okay, I know that I have a bunch...  but was it 17 of them, or 23?"

Robert Kirk