Level 10
Level 10

So this is the response I got from TDOR today (02/13/25)

"Thank you for contacting the Tennessee Department of Revenue. I understand your concern. Not every line has to be filed out on the return and just because the business name is on line 1 doesn't make it disregarded. 
On Sch I line 1 the system does not let you enter any information. Its blocked out.
The same holds true on the paper return. 
The return instructions say List all disregarded single member LLCs... . Since line 1 is the parent and that field is blocked out you can only enter disregarded entities starting on line 2.  It does not mean the entity on line 1 is disregarded but all the lines under that would mean they are disregarded. "

The difference between TNTAP and ProSeries is that you CAN NOT enter anything on line 1 at TNTAP.  He actually showed me a pic of a paper return, and sure enough, all of line 1 is blacked out, except the filing company's name. 

he would never admit that the filing instructions were not in total agreement with TNTAP