cpa ea

provide Montana tax form and e-filing for non-profits

Status: New
Vote now if this is a good idea
Level 15

I have never filed a Montana non-profit return and don't ever plan on filing one, but I'm in a good mood today so I'll vote for it.  Plus, I know what it's like to have North Dakota as a next door neighbor so I feel your pain. πŸ˜

As a side note, hopefully everybody in North Dakota can take a joke.  They aren't such bad neighbors.  At least they aren't as bad as South Dakota....................  maybe I should just quit while I'm ahead πŸ˜œ

Level 15

We don't have a tax form for this. MT has an annual report that gets filed with the Secretary of State for purposes of keeping the entity Active on their records. Otherwise, you become inactive or involuntary dissolution.

Level 15

@cpa ea   Do you mean the Montana equivalent of the 990-T?

Level 15

We don't have an equivalent of 990-anything. You efile using epass for an annual report to the SOS, not the Dept of Revenue. I'm not sure what is being asked.


"For example, nonprofits in Montana aren’t required to file a separate annual tax form with the state, as is the case in New York, which requires a Form CHAR500. However, there are additional filings required in Montana related to payroll taxes, property tax exemption, and your annual report."