1) When on the W-2 Worksheet, Box 14 Description or Code on actual W-2 contains PFL (or variation like NY PFL), the box "Identification of Description or Code" does not auto fill with "Other deductible state or local tax". PFL is here to stay and should work like NY nonoccupational disability fund tax (i.e. NY SDI)
2) When NY PFL description code transfers form prior year on the W-2 box 14, the Identification of Description or Code does NOT transfer over as the "Nonoccupational disability fund tax" description field does thankfully...
That sounds like a good idea, but that could open up a gigantic can of worms.
I've seen W-2s in a different states that put PFL on box 14 to show how much total salary/wages the employer paid to the employee for PFL.
The problem with doing anything automatically with Box 14 is that there are no set rules for Box 14, and the employer can mostly do anything they want with it.
Like NYSDI auto-populates the description fields for box 14 short term disability, NYPFL should auto-populate the description for NY Paid Family Leave Tax. The state identifier removes the complication and saves a mouse click, scroll and mouse click (3 actions) on every return.
2024 ProSeries Basic appears to have lost its PFL auto fill description in box 14. Please fix and add permutations omitted like NYSPFL and FLI and NY PFL