
On form 8867, paid preparer’s due diligence checklist.  Why not have it auto check the applicable items EIC, CTC/ACTC/ODC, AOTC, HOH?  It knows when you have the appropriate ones checked.

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Level 15
Level 15

I agree!  It knows if you check the wrong box, so why cant it automatically check the right ones!  

Level 3

TOTALLY agree!!

@Orlando I'm sure this would be a high on the priority list item for everyone on here!

Level 3

I totally agree that we need this, It takes us 10 min going through to check these boxes with multiple kids and when they have all 4 it is hugely time consuming.  I get that we need to check and be sure they qualify for the deduction/credit, however I am pretty sure we all are aware of the fact that they qualify by the time we have gotten this far on the return and we know what they need to receive the credit.

Level 9

I DETTEST filling out Form 8867 for returning clients that I've done for decades, whose life situation I know very well. I live in a small town! So I spend two days going thru my clientele and check all the boxes on Form 8867 before anyone has any documents to bring. It's dreary two days. I also enter manually all Virginia county names because I have to go back to decipher which county they (still!) live in. Next year I may randomly put in county names and let the county commissioner sort it out. My software could so easily transfer county name to next year instead.

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Level 2

Agreed-Please help us out-the sold practitioners are swamped with lots of needless admin work that should be automatically done by our software. I am sure that Lacert provides this, please work as an Intuit team!

Level 9

I transfer all clients in November precisely to check all 8867 boxes. Also the crypto box. Also the driver license box and find expired ones to contact client. Once Virginia software is available, it takes a loong time to figure out what county they live in. I also type in the vehicle numbers from a prior year and check all the boxes, and during tax season just correct the business mileage. For Sch E I check the 3 pink boxes at the top. For teachers I deduct their $250. For divorces I look up the divorce date from prior year. I get rid of all pop-up error boxes. It takes two weeks to do this clean-up because the job is so tedious I must take breaks. Software could and should do most of this instead.