Level 11
Level 11

Richard, this isn’t really the right forum for insurance advise. You’ll find a lot of professional liability policies and  products available on the internet but i wouldn’t be in a hurry to seek out the lowest cost... you generally get what you pay for and for  someone just starting out the premiums will be low anyway.

Rather than trying to do it yourself (like they do with TurboTax)  start by calling an independent agent in your area. They’ll better understand what’s available and help give you some guidance based on your circumstance, now and in the future.

Some of the companies may also offer CGL. It’s pretty cheap and will provide premises liability if you’re homeowners policy doesn’t pick up the business at home exposure.

PL policies are different than most others and are written on a claims-made basis. You should have an agent explain how it works. 

if you have specific questions you can post on this thread and I’ll try to help. 

If at first you don’t succeed…..find a workaround