Level 15

"I'm not taking a discount just so you can be rewarded. I charge a convenience fee for me having to get nicked by third parties for processing that plastic."

You need to do it specifically to your State.

"Credit card surcharging is legal in most states, but there are some restrictions: 

  • Prohibited
    Surcharging is illegal in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, and Puerto Rico.
  • Limited
    Some states limit the amount of the surcharge or require that the total price be disclosed before the sale: 
    Colorado: Caps the surcharge at 2% 
    California, Florida, Kansas, Maine, New York, Oklahoma, Texas, and Utah: Have laws that limit surcharging
  • Allowed with contingencies
    Some states allow surcharging with certain conditions, such as in Illinois, Nevada, New Jersey, Minnesota, and Montana
Businesses should be aware of their state's laws and card brand rules, which can change. In states that allow surcharging, regulations often require that the surcharge be disclosed clearly and upfront to customers."
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