Level 15

@IRonMaN wrote:

But did Intuit actually write that or was that some half baked ramblings of another preparer that didn't have a clue as to what day it was?


That was my first thought too, so I Googled it and Intuit DID write that (although they are only instructing the 'how' for IF somebody wants to do that).


How do I report self-employment income on a Schedule K-1 Worksheet for an S corporation?

Typically, an S corporation will issue a Form W-2 to its employees or shareholders. In some cases, they may issue a 1099-Miscellaneous, which will be linked to a Schedule C in ProSeries. If neither of these is the case and you still wish to calculate self-employment tax for income from an S corporation, you may do the following:

  1. Open the Schedule SE Adjustments Worksheet.
  2. Scroll down to Part II - Nonfarm Profit or (Loss).
  3. On Line 6, enter the amount you would like subject to self-employment income.