Level 15

There are plenty of ways to find out who you are and your contact info, and then a scammer can try to reach you. For instance, there are QB users that signed up for ProAdvisor, so there you are: on the web and able to be found. I've seen search results on a forum where the individual postings use a username (or Profile name), but the search result revealed the email info that is the log in for that forum. Intuit has had some data hacked, and of course, no one has really revealed where it came from. You buy an intuit product, and you get email from something that doesn't seem related. It might be related, because Intuit owns so much and did some cross-population for marketing purposes. Or, it is not related, and the info is out there from some nefarious score of scoured data. It doesn't mean your Payroll account or your Intuit account were hacked. Sometimes we read too much into the event.

It's like the mailings I get for my vehicle, an extended warranty because my manufacturer warranty is about to expire. You think? The two cars in my garage are both over 15 years old, and one has over 130,000 miles. Yeah, any warranty they came with would be gone at this point. Launch that arrow, see where it lands, see if the person reacts. And why are you mailing me from Toyota? I've never owned one. But that might score for any blanket approach; there certainly are more Toyota owners than, say, Renault owners.

"Level Up" is a gaming function, not a real life function.