Level 11

How many brave souls have E-Filed on opening day? I have tried running with scissors but can only get up to a fast walk when it comes to opening day filing. Good luck to all and stress free tax season, (maybe a little sarcastic).

Level 15
Level 15

Ive got an super easy one coming in today, still think I'll hold it until Wed or Thurs just to let the traffic jam clear

Level 15

I got a couple of super easy returns done over the weekend.  Even if I got client signatures today, I'm not transmitting anything until tomorrow.  When you combine the forces of Intuit with the IRS, it is way to scary to join the masses of "hurry up and file" ----------------- too many potential nightmares for me to handle.

But on the flip side, I am disappointed with this place today.  Normally there are posts from 1 minute after  midnight wondering why they can't e-file followed up by the next wave of "has anybody received any acknowledgements yet?"  I always enjoyed the annual kickoff to tax season with those preparers ready to jump off the roof of their office building before tax season has really started 😁


Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

@IRonMaN wrote:

But on the flip side, I am disappointed with this place today.  Normally there are posts from 1 minute after  midnight wondering why they can't e-file followed up by the next wave of "has anybody received any acknowledgements yet?"  I always enjoyed the annual kickoff to tax season with those preparers ready to jump off the roof of their office building before tax season has really started 😁


If you really want to have fun, next week go over to the TurboTax forum and make a post saying that you already received your EIC refund.  🤣

Level 15
Level 15

Bwahahaha! 🤣

Level 15

Sounds like a challenge that I am up for.  🤡

Slava Ukraini!
Level 3

Saw one of those why can't I file, it is past midnight on the Lacerte facebook group. Was expecting to see some here this morning.  

Level 8

I braved the crowd and sent off three 2021 tax returns that I had been holding during the annual shutdown. 

All went well except for one reject that was a new one for me.  Taxpayer passed away in 2021 and the surviving spouse was still having a hard time pulling things together, hence the late filing.  The federal return rejected because the primary SSN was locked by Social Security Admin because it belongs to a deceased person.  Yes, that's why it says Deceased on the top of the 1040.

Anybody else ever gotten this one?

EDIT:  I just caught one of the IRS taxpayer service folks - my next door neighbor - and they confirmed that they have been locking deceased taxpayers SSN's due to the ever increasing volume of fraudulent returns they are receiving, especially with the Covid relief programs AND that it is likely due to the late filing that this is the first time I've encountered it.

Level 11

I prepared 2 easy tax returns on Saturday and efiled them on Monday at 6.30 in the morning and they got accepted right away. However the state of Illinois took over 12 hours to accept them.

Level 15
Level 15

Yes, locked SSNs for a deceased person is pretty common when you wait for a long time to file.   

Paper filing is your only option at this point.
