Level 15

Block homes were affordable in the 1960s for the returning veteran under the GI Bill whose wife needed to raise his 6 kids nearly alone while Dad worked for the Air Force and the Post Office and delivered soft drinks on a route, as well. That house would sell for twice as much if it was in my area, and more since it has a pool; so, I don't cry for them much. Their property taxes aren't bad. It's the property insurance that's criminal.

I stopped at a Goodwill to buy an "adult sippy cup" (plastic tumbler with lid and straw) to carry around in the car, and pointed out it should not cost more than $1.99. I forgot about sales taxes, so it cost $2.17. Now in MT, that would be criminal.


Taxes are something we all pay, one way or five other ways.

Don't yell at us; we're volunteers
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