Level 1

Hello, I have a client that has received a 990-T in regards to unrelated business taxable income from a partnership that is held within his IRA. The name of the organization listed on the 990-T is my clients name, the EIN listed is not his SS#, nor is it the EIN listed on his 1099-R from the RIC that holds his IRA. The address is the address that is listed on his 1099-R. Under Box B of the heading on 990-T: the box is checked for exempt under section 408(e).  

Comments on the cover letter state that as a result of the UBTI the IRA was debited by the amount of tax owed.  

I have not seen this in the past. Is this the way UBTI is reported?  Where is the EIN # coming from?  My client is not an exempt organization, nor am I aware of him having an EIN #, other than is SS#.

Can anyone clarify if this sounds legitimate?  


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