Level 2

Hello All,

Just got off the phone with EasyAcct and they (Karen) stated that an Update for both EasyAcct and Information Return System was posted today and is now available.  Keep your fingers crossed!

Level 15

I put a link to your topic here, from this other one that is duplicate:

Because now you have it running in two places. No need to keep starting over; you can Update your own topics on the issue of Updates.

Don't yell at us; we're volunteers
0 Cheers
Level 15

It will be interesting to hear how many errors were corrected, and how many errors still exist after the update.

0 Cheers
Level 3

Anyone having issues with the update installing? Something about an improper file size comparison.....

0 Cheers
Level 1

I've updated and form 943 is still not available and support wait time is consistently more than one hour. I'm extremely disappointed with EasyACCT this year. It's a nightmare to get any support. 

0 Cheers
Level 2

IT got the release installed after local problems--then it wiped out all the companies in the \IRS2020 folder that we had already worked on.  He's still in the process of recovering.  There should be a refund of all purchases made for this bogus 2020 EasyACCT program.

0 Cheers