Level 13

@CTKeys wrote:

I'm not getting any notifications when I download the pdf's for recipients and therefore, can't download the recipient copies. Anyone else having this issue? Also, is there a way to print out your entries before submitting? 

I haven't used IRIS yet this year (I'll probably start next week) but last year the PDF generator would sometimes get clogged up.  The IRIS Roto-Rooter Team will probably be back to work on Monday morning, try back then.  It makes for a challenging work flow, I wouldn't rely on it as the deadline approaches!  We can hope that they're better this year but if you're not done by 1/25 make sure you have a backup plan.

For larger clients with multiple 1099s I send them to the online services like efilemyforms.com or track1099.com.  IMO you can't beat the soup-to-nuts service.  Enter the data, pay ~$5/1099 and everything is sent to the recipients and efiled with the IRS.  Job done.

A few of my smaller clients only have to 1099 me so I just submit those through my IRIS portal (but I don't have to worry about stuffing & mailing those).
