Level 1
0 Cheers
Level 15

Do you mean you managed to e-file the return with the wrong SSN and it was not rejected?

Still an AllStar
Level 15

Input Return > Client Information > Social Security # > Correct it.

Answers are easy. Questions are hard!
Level 15

Ah, George  just gave me a clue what you may be looking for. 😁

If you want to update your client's SSN outside of the return:

  1. Goto the Clients dashboard;
  2. On the line with your client's name, on the far right column under ACTIONS, click on the dropdown to select Edit client;
  3. Update the Tax ID;
  4. Click on the Save button.
Still an AllStar
Nick MacDonald
Level 3

Just a questions... Does a new Tax ID trigger another return prep fee from Intuit?  I would expect it would.

0 Cheers
Level 15

But you haven't explained what you're trying to accomplish.  Are you trying to file an amended return merely to correct the SSN?

Still an AllStar
0 Cheers
Level 2

I want to explain that the spouse have IPPIN and not primary taxpayer so when I submit it. It get rejected. It explained on IRS Pub said that both of them don't need IPPIN but primary would need it so I switch the wife to be primary taxpayer instaed of husband. but I copy the return and I able to change it but the original one still the same.

My question is DO I need to re submit the copy one ? Please help

Thank you!! 

0 Cheers

Hi Kitty2327,

Yes, you would need to e-file the copy you made where the spouse with the IP PIN is listed as the primary taxpayer, and make sure that it gets accepted by the IRS.

You will get charged another credit for e-filing the copy return, but if you reach out to support by chat or phone and explain the issue they are usually able to give you a credit back as a courtesy. 

Level 2

Thank you!!

0 Cheers