Level 2

I can select the batch actions to generate the prior year worksheets that would show the 2023 activity but I can't get the worksheets to print and cannot figure out what I must be doing wrong.  I was hoping to get the organizers run today and am praying that someone has an answer.  Thank you!



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Level 3
Level 3

If you go to the Prior Year Worksheet history, should be able to view and then print them

“The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing” -Socrates
0 Cheers
Level 2

Thank you so much.  They changed how you can run the organizers and this year you have to go into each individual client to review the document and then print it.  What a shame that they made this change which now adds hours to running the organizers for my clients.  But I appreciate you responding.



Level 1

Did you get this to work with 2023 tax year in the prior year column?  Mine is showing the 2022 data in prior year yet.

0 Cheers
Level 1

Nevermind - I had to change the tax year to 2024 - and now it worked!

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