Level 1
The information is not flowing into the IL return.
0 Cheers
Level 15

On the W-2 input screen, did you code the SIT to IL and scroll down further to enter IL and the employer's state EIN?

Still an AllStar
Level 1

I was told they didn't have a solution and the return had to be paper filed.  This was very disappointing.

0 Cheers
Level 15

Always take what Intuit Support tells you with a pinch of salt.  OK, I exaggerated.  I meant a spoonful of salt!

It wouldn't be the first time they try to put the ball back in your court if they can't figure things out or don't understand the problem.  That's why this Community is such a great resource - most of the time, people do get quick useful answers here.

Now, back to your problem.  You definitely shouldn't have to paper file.  SIT should flow, period.  The Electronic Filing (W-2 State/Local) entries I mentioned in the earlier post won't even affect how SIT flows, just that those entries are essential for e-filing.  All it takes for IL SIT to flow from the W-2 input is to code it to IL.  Here's what I have on a sample return.

If you could post your screenshots (but make sure you redact any sensitive info), we may be able to identify what the cause is.  Please also let us know the following -

1) Whether IL is a resident, part-year, or nonresident return; and

2) What you have entered on General > Client Information, under the Resident Status section of the input screen.

W-2 Input for Line 17.pngIL-1040 SIT.png

Still an AllStar
0 Cheers