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Level 15

"where can I apply $10,000 exclusion in 2021 for this year's distribution amount?"

The 2021 1099-R is going to be entered differently and separately from the carry over of 2020 covid-related distributions with deferred reporting for income tax purposes. That's because these are two different provisions.

Is that what you mean?

"Level Up" is a gaming function, not a real life function.
Level 15

Let me try it this way:

The 3-year carryover from a 2020 covid-related distribution will be reported on Form 8915-F, which hasn't appeared in an update, yet.

The penalty waiver for first time home buyer for early withdrawal is Form 5329.

You can use your covid money for anything you want, but that doesn't change the distribution rule it fell under. Spending it on a home has nothing to do with tax reporting for the three-year rule. And, the disaster provision for a home in 2021 has nothing to do with disaster provisions in 2020. I don't really know where buying a home fits into this discussion.

Hope that helps.

"Level Up" is a gaming function, not a real life function.