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Title | Description | Date Posted |
Update to Handling Returns Impacted by Federally Declared Disaster Zones | Per guidance from IRS Chief Counsel, taxpayers residing in a federally declared disaster area qualifying for a disaster relief extension may paper file extensions (Form 4868) until June 15th to extend Form 1040 filings until October 15th. Payment for these extensions may be made via the IRS Direct Pay website by June 15th or by check with Form 4868. Form 4868 extensions sent via e-file after May 17th will reject. Click here for more info. | 5/13/2021 |
Getting ready for the upcoming 1040 individual deadline | As the May 17th deadline quickly approaches we have put together some resources for the most commonly asked questions to help get you through. Click here for more info. | 5/10/2021 |
ProSeries Estimated Payment Query Updates | ProSeries released a recent update to our Client Analyzer Queries to enhance the search function for tax preparers who had clients that the 1040 first quarter estimated payment was not debited on 4/15/2021. If you've already utilized any ProSeries Client Analyzer Queries, there may be additional steps. For more information, please click here. |
5/7/2021 |
ProSeries Update Regarding SE Health Insurance Deduction and the Premium Tax Credit | A program update was released on May 5th, 2021 to update the program calculation regarding the SE Health Insurance Deduction and the Premium Tax Credit. These updates were made in response to the tax law changes resulting from the American Rescue Plan. As a result of this change, a new "Self-Employed Health Insurance Premium Tax Credit Reduction Smart Worksheet" has been added to the 1040/1040SR Wks Line 16. The amount of the premium tax credit will appear on Line A of this worksheet. In order to accommodate the one year tax changes, the amount of the premium tax credit must be manually re-entered on line B of the worksheet. This will allow a seamless transition of this calculation after the exception has expired. For more information, please click here. | 5/6/2021 |
Income Tax Payment for Federally Declared Disaster Zones | For states granted disaster relief filing and payment extensions, the IRS does not update e-file rules for disaster declarations therefore electronic funds withdrawal with electronic filing cannot be future dated for the Federal 1040 beyond 5/17/21. ProSeries will not accept a payment date for electronic funds withdrawal later than 5/17/21. To schedule a future dated payment beyond 5/17/21 consider using IRS Direct Pay. For more information, please click here. | 5/4/2021 |
Updates to Maryland PTE Election - New Forms and Guidance | Maryland Senate Bills 496 and 787, clarify and update tax treatment for filers utilizing the pass-through entity (PTE) income tax election. ProSeries will require significant changes to incorporate the new Maryland Form 511 in TY20. We strongly recommend you save and print the current versions of the Maryland returns for your records before any software updates are installed. Once updates are installed it will not be possible to retrieve previously used Form 510 and related schedules. For more information, please click here. | 5/1/2021 |
Update to issue with 1040-ES Q1 payments | After further investigation, we have found that the impact also extends to 1040-ES filed on or after March 25 with a payment scheduled for Q1 and no payment scheduled in Q2. We have updated our Community post to include next steps for these specific returns: click here. | 4/26/2021 |
Updates on the APTC repayment suspension | As part of the recently passed American Rescue Plan, the requirement to repay excess advanced premium tax credit (APTC) was suspended for tax year 2020. For additional information relating to the APTC please, click here. | 4/13/2021 |
ProSeries Unexpected Closing and Repeated Crashing | An Update has been released on March 27, 2021 to resolve issues with unexpected closing and repeated crashing in the ProSeries program. In addition, a new support tool has been added to assist with these crashes. For more information about this update and the new support tool, please click here. | 3/27/2021 |
Form 1099-R Distribution Calculation Concern After March 24th Update | We are currently investigating concerns after the March 24th update to the ProSeries programs regarding the calculation of Form 1040, Line 4 when you have a Form 1099-R distribution when marked for COVID related distribution and to not spread the taxable amount over 3 years on form 8915-E. We will post additional information as it becomes available. For more information please click here. | 3/26/2021 |
Taxable Social Security Benefits Calculation and the Unemploment Exclusion | The IRS has recently released new guidance in relation to the new unemployment exclusion and how it impacts the calculation of taxable social security benefits. The instructions for Schedule 1 (Form 1040), line 7, Unemployment Compensation, are updated to read as follows, "Caution. When figuring any of the following deductions or exclusions, include the full amount of your unemployment benefits reported on Schedule 1, line 7 (unreduced by any exclusion amount): taxable social security benefits". For more information, click here. | 3/23/2021 |
ProSeries 2020 Due Date Not Updated for Income Tax Payments | At this time, we are awaiting changes from the IRS to the e-file schema concerning the extended due date for April 15th. We will update ProSeries 2020 products as soon as these changes take effect. Click here for more info. | 3/22/2021 |
UPDATE: Generating the Unemployment Compensation Exclusion in ProSeries | The Client Analyzer Query and the tax calculation changes have been released for the Unemployment Compensation Exclusion. Guidance has not been provided by state agencies, manual adjustments may be required on the state level. For more information, click here. | 3/22/2021 |
1040NR Displays This Form Is Not Ready EF | An update was released on 3/19/21 that removes the yellow e-file banner from form 1040NR. Please update your ProSeries to the latest version to see this change. For additional information on ProSeries release dates please, click here. | 3/20/2021 |
ProSeries closes after latest update | Some users have reported Proseries closing when attempting to do various things in the program after the latest update. If you are encountering this behavior please follow the steps below. This applies to both Professional and Basic for 2020. click here. | 3/18/2021 |
IRS Deadline Extension | The Treasury Department and Internal Revenue Service announced that the federal income tax filing due date for individuals for the 2020 tax year will be automatically extended from April 15, 2021 to May 17, 2021. For more information, click here. | 3/18/2021 |
eSignature - How to use in ProSeries | eSignature has never been easier to use for managing client signatures digitally, securely and reliably on their returns. For specifics on how to use eSignature, our step by step guide can answer your questions. To access this resource, click here. | 3/12/2021 |
Partnership & S Corporation information for the March 15th calendar year filing deadline | Check out these resources as you navigate the March 15th Deadline, click here. | 3/11/2021 |
New Jersey Pass-Through Entity Election | New Jersey pass-through entities must file an election to pay the Business Alternative Income Tax before filing form PTE-100. Elections must be made electronically prior to the original due date of the PTE-100 and must be made each year. If an election is not made prior to the original due date of the return, Form PTE-100 will not be accepted. Please refer to NJ portal to make the election, click here. | 3/9/2021 |
Form 8997 update | Form 8997 was released as final but due to a change in treatment of 1231 gains associated, the form has been changed to non-final while the related calculations are updated. If you do not have a 1231 gain on your 8997, you may still file it with the non-final form, click here. | 3/5/2021 |
Maine Taxable Income | Most income is taxable in Maine to the extent included in federal adjusted gross income. This includes but is not limited to; unemployment compensation, federal and state grants and loan forgiveness. Visit our Community to learn more, click here. | 3/4/2021 |
ProSeries Hosted connectivity | Please note that earlier today we experienced connectivity issues in our hosted environment. While the login issues were resolved we expect to have performance issues for the remainder of the day. Please click here. | 3/1/2021 |
TY20 California Individual Information Worksheet Principal Residence Error | An unexpected behavior has been identified with the TY20 California Information Worksheet. Part I for the principal residence is not allowing the selection of the checkbox to confirm the physical address matches the address entered above. For more information, please click here. | 3/1/2021 |
Mississippi E-File Delayed Acknowledgements | The Mississippi Department of Revenue has been impacted by the winter storms that have occurred. At this time we are waiting for them to update their systems for accepting returns. All filings are being held until the state is functional again. Click here for more info. | 2/20/2021 |
Checking the Bank Application Status for Refund Advantage | ProSeries now offers tax professionals the ability to check the status of their clients Refund Advantage bank application in the Pay By Refund Homebase view. It is critical to check the status and make corrections to any bank applications as needed. For additional details on how to view the status, please click here. | 2/18/2021 |
ProSeries 2020 Individual Returns Display a "Sent to Intuit" E-file Status | ProSeries 2020 Individual returns filed on or before 2/12/21 may still be displaying a "Sent to Intuit" status. We are experiencing a delay in processing certain individual federal and state returns. For additional information, please click here. | 2/16/2021 |
E-File opens tomorrow February 12th 2021 | IRS e-file opens tomorrow, Feb. 12, including prior year individual returns. Visit our Community site to stay updated on forms availability and our extended support hours. Click here for details. | 2/11/2021 |
Top Questions concerning Tax Year 2020 Individual returns | We have put together some helpful articles for the most common support questions around Individual returns, including Recovery Rebate, charitable contributions and more. Please, click here details. | 2/9/2021 |
MN Section 179 Conformity Change | Minnesota lawmakers passed a bonding bill during the October 2020 special session, and the Governor signed it into law on October 21, 2020 which may impact section 179 deductions, to learn more, please click here details. | 2/8/2021 |
Reminder: Now Available: Electronic signature of New York e-file authorization forms | Recent legislation has passed that allows taxpayers to electronically sign New York State E-File Authorization forms. This will allow you to use eSignature on the following forms: New York Individual Form TR-579-IT, New York Corporate Form TR-579-CT ,New York S-Corporate Form TR-579-CT ,New York Partnership Form TR-579-PT. For more information, please click here. | 2/3/2021 |
PTIN has not been verified | When trying to convert and transmit a return, ProSeries may give the following error: "The preparer on this return has a PTIN that has not been verified" or "Not transmitted, the selected returns was not successfully converted". For more information, please click here. | 2/3/2021 |
Collecting electronic signatures for Forms 2848 and 8821 using eSignature | The IRS now allows you to collect electronic signatures on Forms 2848 and 8821 from individual and business clients and submit those authorization forms electronically. To learn more, please click here. | 2/2/2021 |
E-file Rejections During Holding Period | You may experience e-file rejections during our holding period due to issues that Intuit has identified that could result in a rejection once e-file goes live. For more information, please click here. | 1/29/2021 |
When can I e-file Individual Tax returns? | Beginning 1/28/21 ProSeries will begin accepting electronically filed Tax Year 20 individual returns. In order to ensure your program is ready for electronically filing, an update will be required. Please update your program on 1/28/21 prior to submitting electronic returns. For more details, please click here. | 1/27/2021 |
Ohio Notice of Delays in Processing Paper Returns | Given the impact of COVID-19 to the state of Ohio, it will take several months for your paper return to process. For faster processing, the Ohio Department of Taxation recommends you submit your return electronically using this commercial software product. | 1/25/2021 |
2020 Business E-file Go Live Preparation | 2020 Business E-file launch will be on 1/19/21 at 6:00 AM PST. In order to make sure you and your firm are prepared, we have put together some helpful articles for most common support questions when E-file launches. Click here for more info. | 1/14/2021 |
Action Recommended: Safeguarding your Account | Your account security is critical to protect your personal, business and client’s information. We want to make sure you have the necessary resources available to you to safeguard all of this information. For more information, click here. | 1/13/2021 |
New COVID-19 relief package passed | Congress has just passed new COVID-19 legislation, to learn more about how this may impact you, click here for details. | 1/4/2021 |
My Account EFIN Verification Maintenance | Starting December 4th at 5 p.m. central time through December 9th (midnight) scheduled maintenance will occur for My Account EFIN Verification submissions. During this time ProSeries users will be unable to submit documentation to change or register your EFIN for e-filing purposes. Please submit any changes needed prior to December 4th. Normal My Account EFIN Verification Submissions will resume on December 10th, 2020. We appreciate your patience. Click here for more info.. | 12/2/2020 |
Individual HomeBase View - Birthdate Field | If you have added the taxpayer/spouse birthdate field to the ProSeries 2020 Individual HomeBase View, it is incorrectly displaying 20XX instead of 19XX for anyone born between 1920 through 1949. This will be resolved in the mid-December internet update. For more information, please click here. | 12/1/2020 |
IRS Announces 1040 Modernized E-file Shutdown | Shutdown begins on Saturday, November 21, 2020, at 11:59 p.m. Eastern time, in order to prepare the system for the upcoming Tax Year 2020 Filing Season. ProSeries Tax will begin blocking these returns at 9:00 p.m. Eastern time to ensure that all returns in our system have time to process prior to the IRS shutdown. For more information, please click here. | 11/19/2020 |
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