Level 1
0 Cheers
Level 15

11.20.21 per the A L E R T Intuit sent out via the program this morning.


HumanKind... Be Both
Level 15
Level 15
Didnt you have a yellow banner alert across the top of the program today?

Level 2

What does this really mean though for all the returns that were extended until January 3 due to Hurricane Ida issues in many counties in NY, NJ and elsewhere.  All tax filings of returns, estimates, etc. that occurred or were to occur between September 3 and October 15 were automatically extended until January 3, 2022.  This affects filings in the 5 boroughs of NYC as well as many large counties such as Westchester, Suffolk, Nassau, etc. and about a dozen counties in NJ.  How long will this shut down be for.  Can returns be prepared and submitted and held by ProSeries for filing upon the reopening of e-filing?  How is this going to be handled.  I would think that there are quite a large number of returns that this affects.

0 Cheers
Level 15

"What does this really mean though"

Click this link:

That's why Intuit posts the announcements.

Don't yell at us; we're volunteers
0 Cheers
Level 2

Saw that and read it but it does not really address the issue of the extended filing date for so many returns that now can not file between Nov 20 and when the system comes back online.

0 Cheers
Level 15
Level 15

The dead line is 1/3/2021, that means you have until 11/20/20 at 9pm eastern time to get it efiled in time. If you miss that deadline you will need to mail it in with a post mark 1/3/22 at latest. here is link for info:

Level 15
Level 15
Any that aren't Efiled by the 20th will need to be paper filed if you want them filed timely with the disaster extension.

Level 2

So basically nothing is being done to expedite or make available any sort of accommodation for e-filing for those returns...they will all have to be paper filed.  I sort of figured that was where tis was going to end up

Level 15


I understand the inconvenience it causes, but it's the IRS that is closing down MeF, which they do every year around this time.

Intuit isn't involved in the decision making, other than cutting things off a wee bit early to ensure all Acks come in.

HumanKind... Be Both
Level 15

JTS, just try to finish as many as you can as fast as you can so you can efile.... I had to do that during tax season for nonprofit entities since there kept being errors with the extensions , so I just finished the returns before regular deadline...

Level 2

I understand that was just wondering how the whole thing was going to play out.  Knew it had to happen and knew it was not going to be good or helpful in any way

Level 2

Easier said than done of course.....will do what needs to be done as always....been doing this over 30 years....never gets easier

Level 15

I hear you.... I'm about ready to quit myself... Too much crap year after year, a never-ending Supply...

Level 15
Level 15
Id focus on the returns with refunds to get them Efiled. Balance due returns, they can sit in a paper pile at IRS.

Level 15

@JTSCPA IRS  controls the shutdown, not Intuit.

The more I know the more I don’t know.
Level 15

Anna, I didn't see your post when I posted mine.

The more I know the more I don’t know.
Level 15

If the returns with refunds don't get finished by Nov 20, I would hold them for efiling in January. They'll get their refunds quicker than returns paper filed.

The more I know the more I don’t know.
Level 15

Susan... it's that twinsy thing again 😂

HumanKind... Be Both
Level 2

The article is extremely vague. When does it reopen? The "state submissions" is cryptic, especially when they mention that all state services will be available. (and we are talking about the IRS...correct?) Who are the "transmitters"? EROs and Intuit? Give us a hand here- we are exhausted and putting out fires everyday. Everyone everywhere has done totally out of character "things" in the last 18 months. I guess "support" and "community" aren't what they used to be.

Level 15

@taxbiz2511  IRS has not announced when it will reopen. Usually it is mid to late January. Sometimes it is February.

The more I know the more I don’t know.
0 Cheers
Level 2

That is assuming that efiling is back up and running inJanuary......everything is very fluid....nothing is in stone.  If this past year or two has taught us anything is that there are no more true deadlines....everything is subject to change.....the never ending tax season.

Level 15

"I guess "support" and "community" aren't what they used to be."

Yes, it's always been Peer Users. We can't tell you what the IRS is planning. If you subscribe to the IRS quick alerts and e-news, you would know nothing has arrived telling you when it reopens, and you will see when something arrives telling you when it will reopen.

This group is exactly what it's always been. Perhaps you confused Support Community with Customer Support? You know: Customer Support would be a department of Paid Intuit employees.

Don't yell at us; we're volunteers
Level 11
Level 11
I'm hoping for late April...
If at first you don’t succeed…..find a workaround