Level 1

client has losses for 2020 but he does not wants report k1 for 2020 he wants to forward for

next years. he wants to report a portion of it

0 Cheers
Level 13

He can't do that. Tell him to hire a professional. 

** I'm still a champion... of the world! Even without The Lounge.
Level 15

"....Tell him to hire a professional. "

@Accountant-Man - You forgot the /S

"*******Tax software is no substitute for a professional tax preparer*******
( Generic Comment )"
Level 10
Level 10

I'm trying to find in the IRC where the client makes the rules about how much loss (or gain), to report.  And to think, all these years, I've been reporting actual gains and actual losses... SMH

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Level 14
Level 14

@dd4vols That IRC reference is Joes barbershop, and a lot of my clients try to use it.