Level 11

Guy making $800k per year - has to mail in returns this year - do I mail the tax returns in the envelopes you gave me or should I make up my own envelopes?  

Another one - if I don't have the money to pay the taxes can I just write the IRS a note and tell them I'll be late?

Another one - I read that the wealthy can get out of paying taxes.  Does my income qualify?

Level 15

Client called this morning about applying for unemployment -

"The form asks for my last day of work - should I use the date showing the last day I worked on my last pay stub?"


Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

You made me smile on a Monday morning !!! Thank you.

Level 15

Iron Man maybe he was confused because he doesn't actually work , i.e. he just shows up there.... just my opinion...