Mustapha Ratib
Level 4

Hello All,

My client got a 1099-LS Reportable Life Insurance Sale, and doing some research it says it needs to be reported in his taxes, but I need help with where to report it at Proseries. software.

Please advise.

Thank you




0 Cheers
Level 15

Did you try searching the web? You have some analysis to do.



  • A copy of IRS Revenue Ruling 2020-05 is available here.
  • An article about the new Tax Cuts and Jobs Act life settlement transaction reporting regulations is available here.
  • An article about IRS Revenue Ruling 2009-13 and IRS Revenue Ruling 2009-14 is available here.

The IRS created the samples to show taxpayers how it’s interpreting Section 13521 of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA).

Don't yell at us; we're volunteers
Level 7
Level 7

The opening poster was asking for advice on the mechanics of entering this transaction in the software, not a backgrounder on recent changes in tax law.

Does anyone know how to actually enter this transaction in ProSeries?  I don't see any forms pop up when I search for 1099-LS.

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