Level 4

Why does the 2020 Federal Final Review just go on and on without coming to a close?

Level 15

Rebooting your computer didn't help?

Slava Ukraini!
Level 4

No, and I tried it again today, same thing.  It is in a never-ending loop, going over and over the same items.

Level 15

I remember there being a similar issue last year depending on what was included on the return.  What types of forms or schedules do you have on the return?

Slava Ukraini!
Level 4

It happens on every return I have prepared so far this year, mostly W2s, 1099Rs, nothing difficult yet.

0 Cheers
Level 15

I don't know if it will help or not, but I would start with this thought.  Click on your computer start menu.  Scroll down to ProSeries and then click on "repair updates".

Slava Ukraini!
Level 4

Just tried that.  No difference.  I had already done a regular update, and pretty sure that's the same as the repair update on the start menu, but anyway, it didn't correct it.  Thank you though.

Level 15

Last year they eventually came up with an update that fixed it if I remember correctly.  So I think you have a few options:

1.  As long as it is annoying rather than fatal, you could just plod along and hope an update fixes the issue.

2.  You could try uninstalling and reinstalling the program to see if that fixes it.

3.  You could try calling support.

4.  You could think about an early retirement ------------------ like starting tomorrow 

Personally, I would choose option 1 ------------ but I've been around here for a long time so I am used to getting annoyed by Intuit 😀

Slava Ukraini!
Level 2

I Like option #4

Level 2

Our office just ran into this problem for the first time today.  We were able to determine that if you used the 1099 NEC worksheet linked to Schedule C, then the final review gets stuck.  When we removed the 1099 NEC worksheet and just entered the amount received directly on Schedule C, then the problem went away and final review worked correctly.

We have had no problems with W-2 or 1099R worksheets causing this same problem.

Level 15

Thank you for the information Darrell