Level 1

cannot transmit the 2019 1040

Level 11

You won't be able to until February 12th when the IRS starts accepting returns.

Level 15

Try again on Feb 12th.



Running dual counters but one of them skipped a beat somewhere.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15
Level 15

I saw someone in another group, not sure which software they use but they claim to have filed 4 different 2019 1040s, 3 were accepted, and one rejected for IPPIN....sooo I'm kind of feeling like we may not be being given the full story here.  IRS may very well be processing 2019 Efiled returns, we just cant do it....or maybe that person is just a big fat liar  LOL

Level 11

Check the muffler bearing!

My ACME counter is at 1,111,884.

Level 15

I'll have to get them synced with yours.  Thanks for the update.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 5

I also cannot file a 2019 return or a business extension. It converts the file but never goes to Intuit. I thought Proseries was supposed to be accepting them but not sending them to the IRS until the open dates. Is that not true?

0 Cheers
Level 11

As far as I know Intuit is just holding 2020 returns.

Level 15


Level 5

What is that? It is too small to see what that is. I am desperately trying to figure out why I cannot even get a return uploaded to Intuit even if it can't transmit to the IRS until a later date.

0 Cheers
Level 15

It's an alcoholic beverage. dkh has taken to drinking every time "why can't I efile" is asked.

The more I know the more I don’t know.
Level 15

Put your mouse over the emoji

Slava Ukraini!
Level 11

What a great idea, all this time I have been banging my forehead with the heel of my hand!!

Always something new to learn from the community!

Level 15

If you need information that is completely useless for preparing a tax return, I am your go to guy!

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15
Level 15


If you copy/paste those emojis it makes them jumbo sized!
