Level 1

I transmitted return. Still can we correct that return because client found other w2 for 2020. Can we still correct that return. IRS submission date is 02/12/2021.

0 Cheers
Level 15

Nope.  The alert warned folks that once you hit send it is on the bus and the bus wont' return until at least 2/12.  You will just have to wait for that return to clear and then amend.  This situation is exactly why I don't like preparing returns in January.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 11

If you already sent it to Intuit you can't get it back.  That's one of the reasons I'm holding my own return instead of letting Intuit hold them.

Level 15
Level 15

Prefect example of why you shouldnt send them in early.

Maybe you'll get lucky and IRS will reject it on 2/12, then you can fix it. 

Otherwise you're stuck having to amend when that form is finally ready, Im guessing early March, or file a superseded return original return, but that can only be done on paper, so thats an even poorer option.

Level 15

Or maybe Intuit will lose part of the pile of returns that they are holding and then everybody can get a re-do of those returns 😀

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

"because client found other w2 for 2020."

They are not even due to be provided until end of Jan; that means Next week people who can't remember where they worked should be getting the paperwork to remind them what a great 2020 they had.

Don't yell at us; we're volunteers
Level 13
Level 13

Yep, I am telling my people to wait. What's the point of transmitting early. I'll just take an hour or whatever out of my day to transmit what I have on 02/12.