Level 1

Any idea when 990 EZ will be available to download?

0 Cheers
Level 15

According to the very informative release date page ------------------------ there is no date.  We are left to guess.  Usually they start announcing late January and keep on pushing it back.  This year they evidently are going to keep quiet until they can make a more informed guess.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

In prior years, the 990 module was released much later - after 1040, 1120, etc.

Level 2

Has there been a delay in the availability of Form 990?  I was told that it would be uploaded on 28 January 2021

0 Cheers
Level 15

I think someone said it was it was going to be ready around the middle of February.  Hopefully the person that said it wasn't the same person that told you 1/28.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15
Form 990-EZ, Short Form Return of Organization Exempt from Income TaxFinal on 02/12/2021, EF on 02/12/2021

From your site to bookmark:


Because that's why it is provided = to bookmark and monitor and reference.

Don't yell at us; we're volunteers
Level 15

@qbteachmt  - That is interesting that you can find that.  When I click on the release date page, the federal 990 doesn't have any dates listed.  I can only see TX and CA dates.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

"the federal 990 doesn't have any dates listed. I can only see TX and CA dates."

Huh. I think "TE Exempt" means "tax exempt" exempt. That's because I get, for instance, enewsletters for TE/GE from the IRS: "Tax Exempt and Government Entities Division (TEGE)"

Because I have so many Cities, Towns and Local Government Entity clients. I just assumed...

Don't yell at us; we're volunteers
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