I am trying to electronically file a 2019 Form 1040X.  ProSeries says it is ready to file and I've run diagnostics to look for errors.  When I try to file it, ProSeries converts the return and says it is transmitting.  But, when it's done, the return still says "ready to transmit".  I checked the logs and they do not show that the 1040X transmitted.  What am I doing wrong?

0 Cheers
Level 15

"What am I doing wrong?"

Not waiting for e-filing to open back up.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15
Level 15

IRS wont be open for ANY individual Efiling until 2/12.

Level 15

For the umpteenth time:

1) Sign up for the IRS Quick Alerts so that you, as the tax pro, are aware of important info regarding filing

2) Pay attention to the in-product announcements that told all of us about the e-filing shut-down, and re-opening timeline.

HumanKind... Be Both
Level 15
Level 15

It's an announcement at the topic of this (and nearly every) page, as well:

"Federal e-file start date for Tax Year 2020 is February 12, 2021. See the ProSeries Tax specific information here"

Don't yell at us; we're volunteers