Level 5

So our efin under proseries is set up under one main business name, but we want to start using and advertising a DBA. Can the name be changed in proseries without affecting the current efin? Thank you. 

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Level 11

From the KB:

To change your firm information:

If you plan to e-file tax returns, you'll need to submit an EFIN verification document in order to change your firm name or address. That's because the firm information in your software must match the information on your EFIN Application Summary from the IRS. Update your information with the IRS prior to submitting a firm information change to Intuit. Then, follow the steps to verify your EFIN, and your firm information will be updated accordingly.

Level 2

I have the opposite issue where we have ALWAYS used our legal firm name associated with our EFIN on our tax returns and this year for some reason Proseries changed it to our DBA. 

I have called Proseries 4 times already to try and get this sorted. I told them we have been with Proseries for about 10 years+ and we have ALWAYS used our legal name and not DBA so why they changed it all of sudden this year - and apparently they keep saying this is the CORRECT way to do it and they can't change it. I had them escalate this problem and I am waiting for someone to get back to me. 

Can someone help me with this? 

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