Level 4

Why can't the proseries program alert the preparer that the taxpayer had SSA benefits. Seems like a simple programing adjustment

0 Cheers
Level 15
Level 15

The Social Security Worksheet appears in the list of Forms in Use on the left margin when they had SS the prior year (and its not too far down the list, so its pretty easy to spot), but youre right, there is no 'pink" error or alert anywhere to bring it to your attention.

Level 4

Thank you for the reply. It sounds like an easy upgrade. Most clients that have SSA benefits the year before will have them again the next year.

Level 15

@tscott1205  "Most clients that have SSA benefits the year before will have them again the next year."

Most tax preparers know their clients well enough to remember at least this detail about them.  But I keep many of my clients by pointing out that their friends, who think a tax professional is the only one looking at their documents, are really handing them over to a data-entry clerk who may be earning minimum wage.  If I ran that kind of high-volume operation, I would want as many cues for my underlings too.  But maybe a little more training ("if you see 1099-Rs and no W-2s") and a system where they can see a copy of last year's return might be a good idea.  Even if it costs 50 cents an hour more, in salary.  

Level 15
Level 15

agreed, Ive just learned to scan my list of forms in use to make sure I havent missed anything that was there last year....I think royalties are another one that can slip by, generally if they have royalties one year, they have them again the next, but theres no prompt to ask about them.

Level 15

"Most clients that have SSA benefits the year before will have them again the next year."

You are absolutely correct.  So when I compare the information the client gave me to last year's information, I will ask where their Social Security 1099 is.  Why does the program have to show a box in pink, puce or chartreuse?  The client is paying for your expertise, not Intuit's.  If they really wanted to rely on Intuit, they would have skipped the middleman and bought Turddotaxx.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 4

I think Turbo tax does a better job at alerting the taxpayer about prior year repeats then proseries. My only logic as to why proseries will not include this in an upgrade is because proseries want the preparer to purchase lacerte, which I think is an intuit product and is the next step up from proseries.

0 Cheers
Level 15

"because proseries want the preparer to purchase lacerte"

Does Lacerte babysit better than ProSeries for something like that?

Slava Ukraini!

View solution in original post

Level 4

When I file a clients tax return it is a joint effort (me the preparer and the client). I don't think of it as baby sitting. I do expect the tax program to help the preparer catch omissions that are more than likely to occur from year to year. 

0 Cheers
Level 15

But too many preparers rely on the software to do everything for them.  Like I referenced before, the client is hiring you, not your software.  

Slava Ukraini!
Level 4

I welcome all of the help I can get from the tax program. The client wants the tax return done correctly and a good tax program will help you achieve that goal. Its our job to inform proseries on issues that will make the program better. I have advocated for this upgrade for many years.

0 Cheers
Level 15

"I have advocated for this upgrade for many years."

And you've learned Intuit really doesn't listen to us.😀

Slava Ukraini!
Level 4

Especially when there is a solution that involves paying them more money for a different product

0 Cheers
Level 15

No... Lacerte doesn't 'babysit' in that manner.

MY method is to *always* compare the numbers on the tax summary year to year.  Any discrepancies (where something prior year to zero current year, or large differences) is reviewed & reconciled.

HumanKind... Be Both
Level 15

@abctax55 "MY method is to *always* compare the numbers on the tax summary year to year."

That's MY method too, except when I forget.  

Level 15


"....except when I forget."    THAT is when we blame the software 🤣

HumanKind... Be Both
Level 4

Thanks for the reply. I blame myself but believe the software could do a much better job.

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