Level 13
Level 13

To the powers that be, is there a video out there or a training manual for the new 2020 Schedule D? 

On a side note: why in the world do you change the format? Were they thinking enhancement or was it another useless thing to tinker?

Level 15

No clue @garman22 

I'm just seeing if I can still post.😉

HumanKind... Be Both
Level 15
Level 15

I did see a video walking through it back early last summer...but without the program in front of me for ME to walk through along with the video, it wasn't very helpful.   Kind of like riding as a passenger and being expected to remember the way, much easier if youre driving.

And I have no clue where or how I accessed that way back then...does anyone else feel like June was a really long time ago?

Level 13
Level 13

This is a good post to check your status. 🤣 I wont lock it. Heehee!!

Level 13
Level 13

I vaguely remember you mentioning or someone mentioning this. I tried to look it up with "search" function but with no success. I did manage to find a few FAQ's and there seems to be a walk through. I was hoping for a video but I will try the walkthrough soon. 

June seems like forever.....

Level 15

I found this in the articles:


Don't yell at us; we're volunteers
Level 13
Level 13

@qbteachmt wrote:

I found this in the articles:


Thank you very much. I did find the same when I was searching. I was hoping for a tutorial video....I am or will use this walkthrough on a couple of dummies I prepare before the season begins.


Level 15

The videos I found were older than this update.

The change seems to be from this:

"For tax year 2020:

Starting in tax year 2020 the Schedule D itself will be populated from a new Form 1099-B worksheet. This worksheet is for any transaction other then HomeSales that would typically be entered on a Schedule D. The QuickZoom to the 1099-B worksheet can be found at the top of Schedule D."

And I would guess it relates to the potential import of 1099 from the reporting entities.

Don't yell at us; we're volunteers
Level 15

This is as close as I could find to an Intuit training manual video.  I hope it helps.

Keystone Cops Compilation - YouTube

Slava Ukraini!
Level 11
Level 11
0 Cheers
Level 15
Level 15
Thats just the old registration page, no link to the recording.

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Level 11
Level 11

I just tested it.. if you scroll down right hand side of page enter customer number and click on Submit the webinar starts. 

Level 15
Level 15
so thats a webinar on PS in general, not just Sch D.

0 Cheers
Level 13
Level 13

thats what it looked like to me. I have not tried it yet. If its a beginners tutorial, I dont need that. Or maybe I do as they seem to be changing EVERYTHING!!! Lol

Level 15
Level 15

The 1099B worksheet seems to work similar to the old Sch D, if its not a 1099B youre entering from, just skip over all that junk at the top and go down to the data entry area that looks like the old Sch D 

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